The Liberal, Volume I, Number 51, 8 March 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
OQR&lOTION HJ£MAINS, I Mr, Epitok: Sinoe estal>- | !isbment of the P. G., I bave stood | bV and watched the genenū dr?ft of ! th!ogs ( but, for the life of me, I !cannot make it oat. There must } be some good honest inen ia the | P. 0., but where are they? Their }"Coarse so f»r ls a shameful re=ult to Itho men who toraed out In the |interest of good government. Just | who is responsib!e for the under- ! handed work goingon, I doaH know. ! It is tirae> however, that some one ! with a litt!e courage should eome I to tbe frbnt. f Who is running the new governI meot? Fwr what purpose \va» the mas» meeting held at the Amory on January 16,1393? What were the feelingB of the sp«ikers and pre&ent upon that day? I was there, and ean hard!y bring i to believe that things have J eome to aueh a faree. It is aimply a ehange fn the es:tem>ti *hell. The ! **bo®d!prs,' ? and other ?uch vermiu \ okn WiT«on gang miH&' £Bdw is t! that & good man eanno! be l«ttnd for office oatside of Lhe Morgan-Wilson fold ? Whenee oomea this ]K>WerfUl pull thnt the diaiodgiug of the royai rabhle Inpoeaihle? There is a w aigger in the lenee/* somewhere, or ii few men in that Advisory Coupcii don ! t beioog there, and are aeti»g as a stumbiiug j hloek by puiling their own perso|naistrings. The Fire Departmeut was disbanded and to be fiUe<i with some of the rankest enemies of (he present government. īt seems strangpe that a man cou!d not be f<?und s&fliclent!y houest an# }oom[»etent to f!U Mr. Mehrtens* (plaee. The Advertiser (that great ' seif-styied ehampion of fair play) | excttses this latest" briHiancy of the I P. G. by saying that it is onlj' tem!porsry. Hickey, a late Wllson j spotter is« the on!y reliabīe man tUat |eoald be found for torokey at the | Station. Bully for A9hley ī The ī coaduct i u the Poiiee DepLirtaasQt |ba« not lmproved any by the !chauge. 1 Th# f#et <>f !he maiter is ihai the! ' P. O. hm waāe »«roirtee' ! &pQoiat-' | amt« t an<* wne <?i<te-ttackiaij wiīt | 1 lmve to t>e dooe U> rectify it. ' II ever wt>» a f>rog&r |>jl!ey I! la' |ttrtMwr your <aa®<S3i38 t !et youjr f frtewfg to ■' Wkal | im a «kft !o etpee» pbsT--1 tfera»«wb<>, wfe#a i' fe# wm ! going tatd n hs«d lo d#nn m% wphe*!, «<r«s g<olsgr 9l&*t here thj* " l ?hl9 wmm mwii reeetv~f b?n Jitti« ? Rome «?«y j bfe pt»H mme M*-soak j I*4*».. ps it d!d, *m! I wUh I t» mv rifbt bere »f fhe foveraf»est *|« rtm by *. feā!f of a o€ |Vee Mmmm ( thay h«d' h«»t*er iooiE - t)i*m only for »«pport, B*i*ocbat< WkM * Wril«r? vac&i:iUi eu* m* dn* te <*K Wh*t » wTitei* A <s#rtedxs !ady rec«nt3y4KaM>4- *». «ffeßiaaq& 3$ p, wiaiiunM» *fee ®w||, t*-< Paoeh. w* ra-icr«W|ft b<er dfert=. it U sal4, ; aarar«d artiier'ft *»yjwr»ty tSu4 i>--r W««i£4al&*=jer!cr tc fe> &3 prlct «fwf wwJt, - Lm& [ >