The Liberal, Volume I, Number 51, 8 Malaki 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
U* IH£ COU).-#tāf 1 iu*■ * *re«i Ofigla|^i UNM» *!**%' *fly i«i3! «MrlioMing ' m «wme oid baa \vLtere A^|SP&* ral Leagjß« _ t«> -k n? nse.. rhffl^^kfSĪtsnu r ;,rf r«-\ti>eU i,ow. ,«XtaJ«LQerai:> u4vc iiu* iHxoaii»Hsh< lheir purp ae withio sigbt, {*m *h« t>QDdt<»rs have LUien bftek ;» to lfctHr fM.trmtrt p!:u't <»f t-»u<£6tfeet eorner politician<i. Whlle | iMPp® meefing aod devisi&g wa>'s LMamJiaeaus iu Kobinaon H«il t let weU ihat they d9ft 10 thgir coaditiou treaeherou!siy.<xjasj)iriug to LitK?rali. They bent the 5 LHWalKAnel \vero timc and tht- Jast and final was only ihe culioiaatiou of ':»jating the Liber- . wouKi rcspecifully ask geiitk*riun nf the * HjßlBfoQal G6venmic!it to rogard eXHtnpte of what political f™Rwy briog* people ■ 10. F e to remeuibtr the succe»s attd the defeat of 1690. j reraember the 4 'prineiple" MpK thein remember tliat thQy ||K ioot for their pvHßtory «Ten when they imagined »ale. Let them be they will fall from offica J|flE|at4 . darkeBt iguominy if they I oepPaue t<.i be the parlaers anU of thieves. Let them H Oi»t Uie (Mnk of ioiquity the Cu»tp?i; £Louse. Let | i'urg;e s'ytion aud , eountA»» »«;<. U*r'v--ya • i-vi. <A,vi« ioō£ forWard wflli f+-ar aad treinbfe jfhe j.udgiSient day whieh is »lwily eomlug, sure!y us there is a 6©d Jb heaven, naeue they take ia vain, The city etlitor fmd worked off ftre; Egi*ptian chestaut of r who accideatally over a small water-bottle just as he dropj?ed asleep, and after 4f«Hiltng a for£y-eigli t-colu tiiu nou>lMlp| awoke to fmd the water not ye.t aU run out. my famou« atory of the Was overcome by slumber c!fcK was ati-iking aiidai® dreauaed a long, complicated dwptt U)Bt it took him half of the day to teil to his junior eierk, ij|lueoilldnH get away, and awoke io garth, last tlu*ee of the twelve h«d sat silently listeniag; I)dpbw he braced ap manfuHy, and wi|x a look of despenite resolve he . 4| }ud aa even uiore wonderful irasrikH2oe than those you has r e ; Wm *6lfttltog, ®eatlemen, myaelf. I hM| been out in(erviewiug btrikeri # lflii%hfen X got !nto fhe offioe, and ta|ded iu last bit of capy, I wja o«t I eame over bere to Hod dropped iato ihis IBd waa aeieep before I strack tfer'lM&km, T ,atr-aighhv.i> N£j* a todlm ī iiveda iKpLA liUie b&be to oiu age. £very e^f| l<wiPo f was feyiewe<f la gvcn tolKiwiie" ge<m>etrical I Mt in love, c«>urte<l nmi to«rHed ,ihf£e <iySr« s retjt gjjrs« r l a iwii4er#4flved tsmugh e?e£ry inei0f « foag IrUI, and ā āee&me of ft»eat«y yea», every ol wMeb waa diaUoirt auii /uii of 4Qcidet3ts of prl?on life, >«Sailed og & three yearā' voysge fhe and ia tlie Ust yyār v?as Oft*tcie@eft i»Uod; e*pswfe<i n*iv--n«uiy cruM>ed l>y a *.o-istti tui, by the vt;iy i* be£ftafee&e€-d SiĪAsnatj v>h AU'i Wuudctcvl Ihi .ugi> Arelie for nii/alh-- T-iJ sjJh&ld m NftNrter t-t a iaanUni: n£wsp*p<:t fo--cWr 4 « aiWiWcity e«!|t"r jti*t alwa£ * :f£ «v'- "• i. :m t —
m tn*lrc *%e u3v had j ' piaeeii a pin in that chair, aud I had dfeamed that entire dreim between ! Nli¥ f mjocne<it when I started to iit I wLen I ?truek th.i: pia." j ' A&9 the crty, editor and I arose, j s pnVoft oar costs īu beaten s'.lence, !»nd went home to bed.