The Liberal, Volume I, Number 50, 4 March 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HOXOLVLU $T£AM SOAP WORKS Paw Laundry Bosp pot Bp In tfcies of 100 pfkiods of 40, S6 nnA <k> barsevfc, for •ale bj all reUiler*. I M. W, Son< ■ — E Lit E— ■ ICE CREAM PAULOBS iurt a C<j., * * * Pwws. , • BAKERS CONFECTIONERS, Etc., Etc., Etc. W. S. LUCE, Wine and Spirit Merchant. \ Merchant St., Honolulu. | HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. Meirehuut St. Honolulu. METROPOLITAN MEAT COMPANY. lytOffim and Headquarters King Street, - Honolulu. THOMAS LINDSAY, WATC-H'&t MAKER MANUFACTURING .TKWKLEU. Mctoemy Block, Fort fr., - Honoialu. ] J. EMMELUTH & CO., HARDWARE -.- DEALERS Fitters & Tin Workers.. Corner atone, 3tauatia & Mfircfc&nt Stn.. Honolulo. I LOVE'S BAKERY, Kuuauu St,, - - Honolulu. The Ohlmt Established Bakery ON THE ISLANDS, SHIFTING A FAMILY ORDERS Franpti y attcttdod to. fS Smos JOHN PHILLIPS, PLUMBER rt GAS-FITTER. KING STREET, HONOLULU. H. E. MoINTYEE & B§0„ Groceries. Wholesale ana Retail. Cor. King and Fort Sis., Honolulu, UAISILI 4, LOOKE, —XUIOKTUt AND i.'ommission - Merchants. Ice Creaa Parlors A Choice Assorttnent of Cab;, llmee fin ud Cud; si !W AMD MADE IV OKPfcK. Ice Cr«6«n from rcn* Can* WoodBOIIIHMG LOTS FOR SALE By -rdcr n| Mr. J D. Hott-1 us>w oflfer for sale 15 vm m or> tsm* Bt, b*!ow jr«da w. Tbe lota vw) In fttna CTx'W ffcrt to'!'; Ui W f*-?*, stt(l HJ* w«ef its*. !otjs oSfe r#4 flrotttofi strife th* hfcvf »n outlet no t>f% Wits# Tliim Mi fil) command » Si!* vl, w of tbe mt **M! p«A»"brne * tort heaTthj .For teftiser fttrtteutu* 4j»jply to f\ i:, Wis*.MAMS* fUMIfOEI" UPHOLSTKBY ■* ■ Shuiafae&n* of 1 fwfs^.W.W.