The Liberal, Volume I, Number 50, 4 March 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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good "pinlon has | I a«gnaet>t<xl by the 1 ♦ l«itdy i übUahed. He j »'' a ittOcb lirouUtr-uiiude«.l > | recymuaen<SBtioo-: & ove rnroe anē g>. n- ; Luieual. lr v reganl to fVß«s99fcs» propo-sed truaty ,tbe Po*t:il Saviog?« ian extreme of J^B^lic again that they | fIBHKiP^ rtuDlf vV to make aprobwhile to tiefead tiii.-> reg»r«l, very li.tle to do wlth 0m te&V§r of a people. A people tii*thīve tbe imelllgence and cour<4gs v*ty ffco tbemselves from inoha&hal Tate aw necessarily ro;vly at.&U lioae» to ai;āert aiul dofend wi*t they eonsider to be their rigl*ts. To me the polilieal trouble !nJSansas appears un Inclication of a kefilthy Bdclat groWth; that America isj>roduciog a race of fighting menj thāt thtare is no degent?ration, «nd tb*t Hie people are not becoming iri«|i|E6sgot to poliiieal There ls a great diflFerence l elween the pi9|»pt actiono o£ the Americans on this aud all occasions īiud lbe t»trigues and «bandoned hoß@r Hawaiia!i politfeian.^. i * ACTIVITV —There are ioeeting3j and meetingt<, meetings by dav and byiilght in all part« of town now. ls gettiog organized, iuidthe Provisional Governmont is geUlag aiarmed. When the Amerfiag \vas raised over the goyerflaoent building the In i©U satis6ed that they would th« aerv!cos or thelr fmnd> agaiu atid l>eg«n to act W would he *t dramatio pleee of justlce if they «hould yi|lSSiStltit« help fruui tnetr WAemen, lcft fo tho rnercy of the whoin they havt kept in or lp(Kj{»ted toofflke- Strange nnd w—mioehKl thiugs «vcur in thU odd world. LiK. -7V AhwKw haalen* to inforro fta I iraūvr-, tU;i! ihe appoinimen! ->l ma:-f;»J ii • -nly r The new GvjvvrnaiPnt to be a !ittle nlarmed a* th' 1 *WHft of lndJij;uMtlon ralsed hy «SS?Wran»eni of this api.; ; titoit*nt. I bive to perfonu the unf'!e&sant $m)r Qt k iolo.ra>|ng the puhlīe that !efe. Ābout x mnfith U»st Mehrten-- w . »lep«ty m ir-hi?, hfeaHlthv -..ime thing fr »m p* r?or>* ifS Vh~>m I h;iv,- the £tr-iV- f X Ty»ti>Bed thut th«- <tp- ; m«td»' dcHbor.itrly i jifcd[Tjj*r « p«riaiint»n 'y tt mth t | »fe4 <*f |-aMīr

» > opiaioo, ahai»! tantACßmiiit to it ! publiC d«e!apa(iou ihat thy gyvernt roent iu?l "inteo«l lo keejp uy j *>ven the prē.>t.. tm > 'oī l«yw£ hon»M, ■ It wa> iot«ti(led io aiakv OHnlii'T j Wlld« Deputy Attorney-Oenera! ou his retun\ from Knua» t scil ieave Mehrleos !o hispoj»ltion, Tt i? ! now the iiitentioQ of tho«e īn i authoritv to lie atwut th»* matter, | temporlze and pwmiae, untH | the tpatter U tost #ight of, while Mehilen*, \VilsonN Ueu,tenant, 3aHs 3€renelv on. The appointment is the work oT G«fdser Wiider» who >ome famlīy eonnwtlon with (he oew goveT«meot, Wīlder wa* supermlendent of the poilct' departujer.t over "WĪlson, aflf! speclal ai«nager of the ehe fa and pakapio hmneh of the eoneem. He wa* iß<lisputably the \vorst cbaraeter īn tlie polīee stiition. Evidenee of the way iu whieh the ehe fa lottery huslne>s i? contlucteil could be obtaiue<t a> easily as iorormation about the aff,iirs of any eoneem in town of the piouK gerttlement if the Provij j !o«at Go\ernment w!shed to be honest, Tt only remains to make WHaon raashal again and the Qtte« u rrosident in order to undo by craft alī . the work of brave aja<J honest men.