The Liberal, Volume I, Number 48, 25 February 1893 — The Railroads Begin Their Work. [ARTICLE]
The Railroads Begin Their Work.
R was aot to M €xpected: abo5ition of ihe $5,<500 5imit for taking a hnman llīe eouiā be got ihrough the legislature wtthoat resislance by the corporations that bav0 heen carrylng on sJāāghter of haman belng» under-thJs Infamous law. They have at Iast found an apologist In a dilapidftte<l ChJcago paper. It ls a pl!y, however, that: tbey di<J not furoish their defender with m©re s*gacity and SnteS5gefice with whieh to help thelr caus«. Objectioa is m«de in their hehalf lo tbe repeai of the $5,000 iiuiit on the extraordinary score that the policy of the eommou law did not, «imit any reeovery of daniage.-; in . »ucbcases, j Tt>e fact th«t the eomnaon law was devise<i a lew centui?e.s befrre aaiiroftds were t>uilt or evenconceived by man does not appear to the wltbin the parview of Ihe eop4jra. tionapologist Xt la alao stated tbat "by the theoy of eomman I»w if a man waa kiiled there w*s no one to sue for Eqaally !ogica! and (moipaUeal) there la no reasori why āeiea&i aaeh as in thia reMM*r*able aa&uinpHen sboul'i noi o« 2>jr th« ight-, j er «MehloM tt> the extent of «tat- | in#, vhat l*fcic tom-, j iuon peopi begaa niak» /or, I { t • wer» t many; I tuing* ieg»i th»t bAve ees&ed to be, I iaw. There wa? a lime in tbe hĪ5-, 1 1ury of iaw whva ueUhee yUlntUx t I i»ur d<6teudant couid tesUf,y eveu I * «uiL. were a gcta£ ; I (uaay lu tue eoa«stfe&a law I whi&h i» ha» beea lh« Uwiōeao auU of tbe eom-, o*vu Uj rld oi fast sm I |*at svwud oii Lae, I *Xn»kāv — li«;raid. i _