The Liberal, Volume I, Number 48, 25 Pepeluali 1893 — Shall We Annex Hawaii? [ARTICLE]
Shall We Annex Hawaii?
£,ss&***>» WAiiIUXGTOX POST. p2j|p r iiatever may be the res«U of <v>mpJ:ca.tion? In Hawaii, - '• - :.• • i;>. oi'it.rlunity HQN *t pass os by, one fact will I to our honor or dLs•ttmf accordiogiy as we pursue tk& uLio or fwli<h rour>e, anei tbat 4i*twaii is tbe miiitary aud tfc«heommercial key to tbe Pactfic. lKE.may take it or le«ve it; we .|||| waka ourseives master of the 'iHillMon or we £aay allow Englan<.l the cordon tbat will Ml us io, whether for vvar ori trade; but we tmvy our ehauee now, i atid & trt.*iut;iMiou- chapter in iii-ilory : ?Jl§|l be maele by our employinent | M' "IIHP revoJutlou beeu expe)t:te<.i, JwPto some degree, auticipated. sure f we bave no national | vv'slb rt"gurā lo fo?~eign eoua-' ltf y iio policy of spoilation (uMUon or intimidation; but ve acquired Louisiana, Texas, and īhe form;Uici! of and there is t therefore, pj|jjmer rea&on, nor precedent our acquiring ftawaii ali-;), J H becomes to of milltary or mercaut, That it is necesBary ti; botbj ab?olutely lndlspeaimme. our safety In tlme of war prosperity in time of peaee, •*a» obvlous to admit of controvujb. At,d wl.iie puMie wb«i3fverhaps novor have saTietioaed jpy toeastire of bostility and tb«? that tke Hawaiian kw* iave lormally asked for annek#tion ,complete.s the union of propri«ty with advantage. There Is but one opinion in militaxy «tttl eommercial circles as to tbe wMLam HGceā'mg t<j thq Httw«Udit pcopositiqn. jSyeryoae acqtt&inted, wilh tbe facts of lhe case reaisz|s ti\at the TJ»tted Blales woaiā be tnealculably benefited, We no naval station and no txad« Brpon tbe line of that vast, that immeasurable march of e xpa#§toj2. Hawail is a strateglc po£&l 0f vital importanee iu the P»eHSefts oibfaltar is ia the Mediter~possession wou!d not onjty forii]sh . witb a formidable def#se for our Pacifie coast, but would give us control of the pathw»3P & eosāmerce over balf the world. Tbe question with us h Wjtett#rW9 are to stand stHi or to *fcet|ter we shall build u navy whieh ia time of war wiLI have to Stay and to create an enormooa noic?»jnery of trade whieh I* to for wau|. <if e!bow to talVoT īsolatbm. Iw!atfon Ss death in commeree and in politie=f, laolatlon wiH ao for us wh'at tbt great ia Uhiuu*.