The Liberal, Volume I, Number 48, 25 February 1893 — English Law and American Justice. [ARTICLE]

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English Law and American Justice.

"Civis Americanus sum," that proud beast of the cisatlantic youth, will hereafter be prefixed with a ferent ejaculation of thanks by all eligible young men. For it is not an American but an English court which has decided that an engagement ring once given is not recoverable although the promise be unfulfilled. On the contrary, American courts take the opposit view. A few years ago in the State of Vermont a young man sued to recover his engagement ring from a young woman who refused to carry out the terms of the implied contract. The suite

carried to the Supreme Court of Vermont and the decision was that the gift of the engagement ring was not absolute, but conditional. If the young woman refused to comply with the conditions she must return the ring. Behold here an evidence of the progress of civilization in the land of the free and the home of the brave, and contrast it with the antiquated law of effece England. Then rejoice that you live under the Stars and Stripes instead of the cross of St. George. Of course, a girl ought to return her diamond ring when the engagement is broken. Else how can the man kill two birds, as the saying is, with one stone? Everyone knows that birds are much more plentiful than diamond stones. - "Chicago Evening Post."