The Liberal, Volume I, Number 48, 25 February 1893 — A Misunderstood People. [ARTICLE]
A Misunderstood People.
I MORiLNO U> I'UL MlselO-VAKtIiS. | Euitok Post; vcnU yeaxs | your public-spirited paper has pu?> , liāhe<l correspondence an<l state-| tteote;»ii.bniiU<|d by me»abo«t Hawaii ■ in whieh was foresha<iowed the pre-; ssent :>LaU' of jiffaīrs» The revoiution | whieh has juit takc*a plaee īs tbe | j inevitable result of missionary rulc; ; the lung-3Uintiing and. deep-rooted , cause of tUe uurest. 'j The missioaaries ia Hawaii, a-> io einaa,, aud elsewhere, euusider that couutry as their opeu huuting grounds, regardless of the rights, custum.s, wishes, and privilige.s of the natives and of stipulalioUī. I positively kuow tha£ the self-appoi-ūted l'oia- ehiefs uf thu Provisional in ilie lilav t ;iuan Islauds and ihv tivc comniLs<iot:ers coming to Washington to «egotiate a treaty of ann(.xation a're, withu»t a singie exceptiun, Mlissionarfes' eonfederates, Xut a single iuitive Hawaiilan :s wilii Iheni,,tbere£ore, thev c;fnaot be cousidered as the repre.seufatlves oi thu Ilawaiian ualion, of wiiieh Uuy iue aiien- a;.tl eoum'ie-, but only as ihe embsarit'M of une side (or of a li.igherj, whieh is nol tho right side. The truth about Ilawaiian alfairs hat, aevor reached the -Stute Dopartmeut iukl that is the i*easou \vhy, iu that departmeut, tho kuife has al\vayd been takenby the blade instt>ad of by Uio handle iu de:ding with the Hawaiiau Thc United yutes al\vays thxrd rate as ministers aud eousuls to Ilonolulu, heaee the errouecu.siuioruiutiOn about Hawaii. I havo ou Iho spot Hawaii >nd Uie Hawaiians, theīr troubles \vith the iaisaiouaries of all creeds, aud wheu dibtaut froiii the isiands I havo kept au uuiuterrapted corresr poiideuco with the leaders of the Hawaiiau naUou, such as the Hous. WiieoK, liush, Testa, Kaai, Kapeaa, Kaunamauo, Kimo Pelekane, and others, ...;. My vie\vs ou the Hawaiiau tiou I expLuined ai length to Presideut Hayco and of -State Evarto, to Presi«.ieat ( leveland aud to .Secretary of State Porler: later, to Seuator Morgan atul McC'roary, and these are the stateameu that ought to of the Hawaiian <iuestioA aud render justico to tlie weak, ill-treat- ■ ed, aud geueroils Hawaiian people tliat have been continually ini»judgefl, and grossly \vrouged.. iu accordance with the goud order oi' things tbe ēv>miug aad self-;ty]ed Hawaiian eommi--siouers, with moie appeiuauee tiian substauce, should uot be receivcd by Uie l.'uited 6tate> uuthorities, Ix;cau»e their self-atlributed missiou to Washingtou is ba»ed only upou aeiil&h aad taaUgoan( ou_tive-. rh;s wi)l >>e a gooo opportua'uy tor ilie great people of the Uuited biates tu ahow their sentiment for l*ir | rfay and generosĪty to\vard the iriendly, ;aid oppre»sed Hawaiian i»eople, worthy of syai|«itiiy and of help in this | Uieir hour of natioual | t'.tiSAi; MOKL.N'U.