The Liberal, Volume I, Number 48, 25 Pepeluali 1893 — It is Simply Self-Preservation. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

It is Simply Self-Preser-vation.

? A Coxn>r. am> C<>mplete Statef >r"ENT OF THE BF,VOLUTION. Ca¥ses. ' ,; The eauses of the revolution in Hawāil } H said Mr. Thonifts T. WiUiam.?, of the Saa Franci?oo E - amina' at the Ebbitt, *>'are the dissatisfitctioQ eoosequent on thelos*j of profit arisiūg from the passagē of the MeKinley bitl; the deAire of th.e people to c.>utrul the 'crown landi, the dislike of the nativesand other> for Churles Wil-on, niarsU;d of the i-<L«Kt?, who is u.Tithatian by b.i.rth, the atteuipt of the Queen to disfriiiichise the foreign residēnts aod give Uie natives t!ic fuU franchise, an<? the fear that the' i3li»nds may be oankrupted by t!ie extruvagafit fol!y of native miubters. u The feeling .. agai.nst c Marsluil Wilson eiin be judged by the expresiion of Ilo!>ert. Wilcox in the Hawaiiao t when he charged that Wilson \v;i> the QueeuN paramotir aml <aid t!v-*t he euuM be found In her clu»ml>er. The iuitives called Wilsyn King Boltjbola, and \vcre jea!ous of hi> inftuetu-e with the Q.ueen. The they are eaīled, and whieh means the party of good morals, were dr<gusted at the passage of the lottery WU and the opium Ucense law, aud so (on all sides the Queen was beset by 1 Hercrowning folly was, ! of coarse, the attempt to disfran--1 ehiee foreigpers. No doubt her ad- '■ vlser in thls was Sam Parker, late m!htster of foreīgn ftffairSj who īs Jea!ous of forefgn ~dom!natlon. an<l 1 verv īntimate with the Queen. 1 »Under theconstitution whieh \vas ' yrrung from Kalakaua at fhe threat 1 df force when he fted īn IS§" like a ! rat to the corner of the royal couythonse -where he was pursued by Ashley, Wi!cox, and others, no person eonld vote for a memhcr of the ' House of Nobles \vhose ineomo was tess than Sson a year, or who had not SR,OOO worth of property in the ' islands. This disfranchised Ihe natives as nobte voters and limited the 1 number (?f gratißed nobīe elector,s to ' 8.000. There are. twenty-four nobīes : and twenty-four repr.esentptives in ■ the Parliament, and the uobles are nearly aīl whites, or at least ! half while the «,000 natives 1 voters were able to olect a house of representatives solidly Kanaka. They are childish and e\tr&vagaut; given to the free dlstribut!on of ōffice, and have run the country in debt. The National S.ivings s Bank \vas depleted of its funds for all of puhlie work-, grants, and «peeia! expenditures, rangiug from the m«!ntenan'*e of a royal j*Bcht to the keep of a roya! !»and of hulahulh. dancers. To pny dei>ositors «peeia! t>onds !iavk- hoen is>ned,, \mī tjnHe rocent)y the Spreekess? bauk advano<?d oa thcse hoad-. •The ;innexHl\on p.»rty includcnetfr!y laīl the !,f>on Americans iu the ialalul» and other meu whu have !nterests there that may !xj jeopardi)Red bjr the foollsh, thougfi pīcturesqne rnīo of the 'Kanaka T£iese peopīe natttratīy fea<®l that fh" dortf Kanaka-i woutJf ruln thv puī'iu: cpr*<Tft ? injure hus!ness aivt in'-rea.-e fhe expendltarc?, that arc nnw fh.«tn lh«» j»uW!«- ?n.'*>nK, whīeh from th>- -hrīnkage of 'wilol» on thc pa<-.ig'' |McKintev MH. The revo!o!n thī* <«f?e are al! Americ .ui men «■>f : hu*tn« M ». īt i« atv»tutely nethit *hat th<> fnbfnct t*omv! meh who comman4 ih«* of arsd *»or<he money to c*rry the gr)vr>nitnfr.t, and the lwMerv oī eo<*or!tte(? nnd mver« f»f'tnT«*'«<v af the nf the r«voliit!on ' W??h th> t*fc*n tron\ foretgn rr -!den|t-» wh<* |»rw!l!ptf vM". c*ven to to th*» «nthe CHhlnct nwl ,~f twwtd a!t «r<t

*n~h a xmiM nof dottar fh»m any mphs;u«b » tv. tand for tī»4 Ihe' n-->w r* ■v o n *>!i" t withdr»ws! nf Lii»d- frtS> th»-{>ropt-r!y -of tht- vr i the pr!vate Uhc of theīr fent< hy thv Qaec*n ts a hsiirilshlp on the tax-payer-?j who w"-h theQu»^*n"s īne^m' 11 t.< a -!at#*«f -utn .m,l «h- the crown revo:nit>- for puMie