The Liberal, Volume I, Number 47, 22 February 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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| CONSERV ATISM. — TEMroRA I MrTAXTUB KT IV II I.fS MUTAI ml «*. Tbings aiQYe in $pite 6f uien. i There is a eoniinual developaieni towaxda oaoee ®erfect hartuouy with eaviroum«uL Ofcganic iife, the worid, the wlar spateto f tbe uniVerse, move onw»rd to assume new forms, Man ts forever recalcltran,t. He does not waot to deve!op, Pro* 'gress f is haUful t hitn, He is «lw«y>f iookitig bttc.k to Mruat his fftther? wen anl 1H He aims at 1 a ropv of other wen, He [ ov< ry inhovatioti. Mea form , aaJ stale? and eiing Uilad- , lj' f ilubbomly to wsUblisht(d IorQ); wUiie Ui,& vvorld wqves ou» tiii aome i dia«ster or uatural Uirfintegrafiou ! <!wtroy«! them N*tlon« havo riseu ' isnrl f3llcn. i*f'e tipgrow«h n\\vsy* bee 'ho to coadiUahis that . lo work aui eujoy Uk« fruitb of liia labor. Tiieir 1 i (iowikM has aiways beea brought f «bouf by eooceijf'ratLOM of power ? '?!««? c!eprlvett men of opporiunity to work for them-jplvc-» aad by v.-ou> ■>ervatism that emmpeil oud straa- ; gled the tif<* out <>{ the uaLiou. like aouietime» >Uie«j tbeir skin> or suffuī' frow tno maeh • v TSae y>= j , bvīou j ' wh-> fi ive 5-"<svtTj hv "* ot aod ii.< u. o.iii-! oe»irttta UieU' m ! > «rttei; tfeey inmem ani ro»i¥ti&g | s Tlw *r? ih*-;

_ > Zh» tbe 2is~ cm- % <i<eg^«^iātiug f u-Hik» t'ae " s ' hy a-.tivity iml Batur,»! ar*» gsitilng an<i ' In th-, J en<! mu-! «;iv£ ir.»y. j| i , } iU> VALXV.—Ii is ■ said ; f th*t the Qoeen to t»e paid her' salary bv the Pn-»v?<iodHt Govera- * ment. aa ldtoti-: pr\Kw<liu£ I ' '■«h.ill not eomiii'-n? ;>n *iTt l U { to be a &ct,īf U ?houid tura out 4o be ao, it woulU go far to su£»port • tbe ramor that Liliaokalani «old her couotry ini.-»>ī f >r LHOAL j of Shetdon for coriteaipt of <\mncil ■ ha< beea madL j the :>cca-ioti f:>r Ihe ( puhlie eaactuient of dete-taWe ( farce. No one <loubt- c»r ■ tke |K>wer of the Couucil to puuHh > for conteuipt, it uow Ueing J Ute aupreme tribunal of the 'wnii, aod uo one fears but what ?t wi!l use 1t» power wfth justice and moderat!on. BtJt ii> a small roatter that shouM liav r e heen (ll*iwsed ol aaia,-1 raarily, withui the hour, iugrAiii tove of legal huuiUaggery in souio meoibers of the Ut>verumetit has detrwn oat aad exp;tade<l a. wry expeasive art'l trritatlug It seem-? as if :i certai>s re-;:t'cl-ai'le oi" peop'•? ":n • jatinua!!y making"īa\v-j au-I them, an(l afterward bickeriug aad squabbling iudustriousiy over theOi. Ia the tangied web they weave a large number of doll;irs are caplured j annually, The paUtver of the attoru« ey<i in thi< p:irtiou!ar e,- wa- mnk rot wlthout rhymo or Tl.erej is now neither constitution or hi\v i iu this country; aud there has uever j beeo inueh of either tnat the domiDant classi were houua to respect. Some $core of genUemen are just now govern!ng the eountry uuder the protectiou aad iospectioa of the American Miui»tef. We only wL,h they would do it simply aud without ahame or tergiversatiou. One thing is to be noted: the Attorney--oen©raPs department had no lawyer eomp&e&li tot the haslae*s> fc£u? very secioas atwi itaportaut of cait r ui a, - employ Mr. Hak'h h Where was Mr. Browa, Deputy Attoraey-Gonera!, aud Mr. \Viider, who is Poliee Court Piosecutor and all the other learned and experieuced luwyers in the euiploy of the Goverameut? Would it not be wise for Hi« Excellency the Attorney-Gen-eral to appoint at least one eompetent subord!uate ? We woukl like to know how mueh it cost the GovernTnprjt tA try :>n<l K'hsit tr f x^l it did Bheldon or the Cioverament. The of anuexation at Washington is l>eing rushed through at railroa<l si>eed, «nd It in prol)ah!e that we are even at f.he present motnent an lntegi*al part of thegreat Americaa Republic. When we join thafc country it U for better or for worse. far good aad for aH. No «u--cession, nn -aleor cijnrjuc*-it will cvcr depr!ve Amerfri of a root of <01l where «he ha> onee pl.m(e<l her starry l>auner. īīawaii ha< tho end ofrevo!utson and unrest. Hawail must settie down to bsisinets uow. The divine cmft of money getting will be the only oceupatlon for nohle and fgnoble m'mā< r ;lay, of !otas eatfng are dtnwing fo an end, 7ephyr insprrod d f The phanta*ma£oria 0f thv iner-' tia of perfect content, wiil be >wept away and eome no more to fhe heartVro!rcn chī?drei of ?>outh ?ea->-. Their *nfnd- fed «p.u dc!uby !he ?rh <»f an opera »K>uftc ''ourt, ?*y t!ie hallow -ham»-)f Hi»rma«-idian f"aHt<, n mde <hwk a« tho tMe of esvilfm! materlal! e m over fherrj, Thefr lo«w«? and the!r w hr»c!fu!, T '*r the they arv H< de#rh •- rcuJ. Or ti?t: vartou-| pomīM** fvran of Īl^w.iH. ih.'.i uf a tc-rrif'j-rj ru*f! l»y gov.ind c<jiumi--ioa ī- tlie on». 1 .%> 1 are iūu-l iikoiy t*< -ee. T!r.u h.i~bt v eii J,hu IdVorile jdvJ -f :hc atJoisi-t-j <jf thir >-ountry thv <v»rlk", -?ai 4 -. Fh' s --u-n -ctit Wa^hin^i. . l.a I ihf pb:t a!rca ly furmu!at*.d lu īb ,ir tsund-» ?iud la ou i«u ī'uiieU s!t«k- o"vvc;miaeu;, «md i; i* c\t c:l iitcir iutfyeaiiūa.'! vViii ue. «ii-4 i&:oī}fp*l>£-l h,; A-A | r»f t;- e»tabli>h a Territor«-, i • i

I .. " 'i - , al Gaverss3Keu; fjr ihe HTU& siica. #4, ,vEew tlx« Ptoviaioaji h.i«. been org-itiszeU oa a»>. ;* n<*s h*j readi!i, trajt;.fotS9s^u of -i i«nrUori sume whsi f t4log |lust o! the l s ktiict i S*tau Wft,ak«y , Do4e wiil be appolalai GoiiSrofe.i aQ(! that Ihe Ailvlsoiy ' T>gNlftt!ve ' wTth v»?ry f«K i*j ; wers iQ " law-taafe!og. memW^y I cabinet w!H heaO* ui iha . i&» |reau «ppoiDt4xl V Uu^eoM^ ; anfi %v!U 9e of mueh i«s ' tance tti&n hew>tof-.'re. . This |of gt)veroment wili eoaliaae. Cotigre?- ;oc-» 3: to u «t*w -W*-, Prc*kh-nt IVle ha 7 the coaiidtuu» J • moie gßi^Mlly. . anyane in tht* ccuaLry. The Adlviaf or\- Couik'U h? no,w Cj&»tituSedl is i the W;! fedturu vl'the govvi'muooitn i l>ut ftrar that Uie chaag«ss toade i t>y the appoiniaieaiā £rom Waihing- . ■ton are not like!y to lnt£cuve it, [ ftnd it i* -are ->oouer or Liter to suXi Ter īmm eomee \ dtlvc<.« ai»i I W £t | inuAi.iAhh', the pwpie wili have io , i get ui> .ui agitatioa aad petitiaa | ior a L'haugo. For ihe | preieat,. ~tUo piiop'e ure aot in it | Tfn?re \viU be no eimioos aod | prei-i;iu> litl3ē poliik* .ii .tuy fcia4» * The b;K,dler> will h,ive ; V ehuiioe fco , re-t fr jin their n-.. Iwm&a | Portugue.-e voU\- wtll liave ao po(ency. The wili b$ deprived of their W« s hal! have a ni}<siuaury milieatttiiJUi» ENGLIt?H •- IWIEenON."--iln i 1, tho lūuglwh oecupietl £gypt ! for the proteetioa of Ui'e and prokperty. Xhey have t>eoa prot3cti&g that country «vcry -iacfc, | Buii is lauioU'i lor h.ijs 4 :hrisf.fen : benevulence ia proiectio& i n&ticu£. It would reaily || he eujoyed hla tas&, sinee he underUkes it \v;ith aiac|ity , aad withdraws with Eagllsh people and stiite-?rneu have heen dividedoo the eout tiauia# the occupaUoh oX - be&» thc ol lh& | W giVD op Uaat <c&uūi& k b«i ii h isfai Uināstone yn tr iiagoiSiai o{ iha Tpry whkii. eanaoi afforU to.eucoaater with hh. m 4eader uiajority iu the Huuee oX /< <Jooimoas. Ile ia sut>oitlinatiiig everything to ieeure liie enactmeat of his Hpme liule Biii, chwiāhed aeheaie oi a iilelime. The <iueaUoa oi Egypt has heen revived by tha aoUoa of the youug educated, lvliedlve in u> dismi&3 oue ot hia withoat tho cuuocat uf ihe Ikiliah The audacity ol the youug rtiier has q.uit« »urprised aad shocked the BriUsh Goverquienl t to whou» buch aiboldactof in=ubordioatioa froai so earefuiiy trained aad fobtered protege wa» weiloigh iaeoueeiN alie. i "Whea it eomeā fo a of , foreigu policy, the likeother i nations, usuaiiy sapport the gov«ra- | ment ia an aggresslve poiicy out uf naiioiiHl pride aad iuve of eoatiac3t —-iiuKoLim, It ia prohahiQ that Egypt% ehaia- uow riveted. TftK Keuyon says it U J >a darnood that he b in thf govemitien! oajptoy, I>kky I>nvls IE !=■ «i caluniaīati»a ! thnt ho at thr $Ution*Hou*<' n reporfp't in the !a«t Libei4al. Ke a?soc!ate-r llli *<uch as Frid.iy K<;nyon, aiul h<» alt*en in fs»vo>- of ftnnexatfca, >fa«' , h of %vhs* ; d Hon !nf"Hnafion iU'.! and out *>? !xī' īncorrt?ii. Tn 'ueh <:a*e ī aui re#dy k« re' fify my far po-iisblc !f tho Trrei?tJon~ of&re<! iu r!ght sp!r!t. Be!tig !n gov«mmei)f r-n3p!'.-y !? not thv wor*t churge I ha-i Ven ma<fc a;fal««t Mr, Kooyo"i I and if he *>a<! knguage, ho H ! Ukely to be io a humbler frtune | m!n«i fUt*«f?er than when ho tv:W 1 WHwn'i n>an Fr!'!ay, | Om DEARE<t EN£MV,—Tb« | -aj!s u ; u -i £Me *Jt arns!/* That >. at*>nt ihe* be*t t«rni yst !uv» k nfced f- i r th<* Jta!f-whftō ! papc-r-:. Th»,- ?A; v f-»'S?- aboa| ! pa J ? !nto the UarvK nī ytrsts£ S 3.U.1 K..,iy g »,*-• ?'.it sg#_ tvl'cA <)t rw>t's rm<l | w-Ie iot vf ix»ir >;vjppt* i «•; 3i)i! !'>a?īr-.! H{m *tM QX)a>.y to luy '\ »t *iirk :'?V ;. ieui hj '