The Liberal, Volume I, Number 47, 22 February 1893 — RULES AND REGULATIONS [ARTICLE]

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- «. - • . , *£' - * '* » C?®M«»a c Āct* ti<m FMaed »t Cfa'flK MMlio IX oi th« .. r o» * P«nro»nt u> tfe« powar |Ll aothority vett«d m tbe Mixu«l«f of FAs%a Jt3kīr» bf in Act of tb« LapaiaUw pa£sed ca the llih day ol Jaoaary, asd by aad with tbe eooeeeil, o( a iaSaeity of th« Execatjve Ooaoeil ol Uo*emmeot oi tbe Ba«raHaa l6laodg, I dobereby make and folln<riog rale# aqd ia-Le In farce ia coojuoctioo wi|t> m Aci.jpa«U3ctiag CbĪDese XmmigraiioQ" meQts iUereto passeJ % LegislaUue until the fc»a»e fltered, amended or nnllf6®d: JT* Srctk.n* I—Tbere 6ta» ti3fcd'hcreby is> establiahed a Ctuoese tl\e Foteigu Oāīee whieh wlll for the tranBfwtion of &I1 fo ehipeae Tmmigratton frota Wa. M, ; to 12 ar. aad from 2 p. &r. td 4[, ■£.««'ob al! week days except it wil' be open only from 9 a, g, hueineee w'iil be trayjtcte<Qū oUk-īal holklays or otlier |Ej Oayornraent Bail4ing ahall be Ssrxios 2—No Chiuese Fcxoiits, <4r certifica l tes ii W^ny i kind wbatwver will VoBBelfl leaving Honolulu for 24 liouie (roia thb aUvertiae4 Jjfflg|rfoi'e of such vossel. . t Httction o—All return perntiis for Ohiaeae Hawaiian I»lands to be eWMa by th.e Chineee Bureau of. the ,Office must 1» accompanied bv receipt for taxes for the curreqyfear : his paesenger ticket, his custaoi passportaud, unleee iour t>boUj®raphB of and two proflte, Jso *ni he conBldered unleaa pre--B®ntation. ■■ .■ ■: Seciion 4—PermSti i§|u^o^1 nes \ residenis to go to China gno*HHTn wil' begranted only fcr 4 two yeara from the ed ttiattbe Mlnfete? 'atW3ym ntfefg in h\% di«cretioti, by &n<t 1« eon-' of a. tE.3.3or?ts*of tkf 1 Coa ncfl tfme hei-eln Rt!patated. "'** Sj£ction S—AU ai>i)īicatīo«i&j^P'enf'ry permits for Chiuese wocuet{ have relativee by marrftge df inlhe Hawaiian auAp wlWnin, > male atid f«male,'utt<|er 16 fINjJS of H ē ', who h»ve parent» or in the Hawaiian l9lftrid« f pre«entati<»i to the Pf" the Foreign Office be certified tbe Uhineke Comu>ercial As~ ai£tant Cbinese in the event of the abse»ce or of the Oommercial Agent as to of the, stateinents eonlaineilin eu'eh tt|^cation. Ssctiōx 6—No feBued to Chine«e who havo Hawaiian citizens, or v ,heen' bom ia the Hawailan ppon satiafactory evidence naturaliaation, or of thē pfclsldren of Chineseparente lan lBlat>ds, upon a t apeeial "Kwieh be' Issuedto Buch 11 Hawaiian born ,av the oiliue ot the Cou»uJ a * ® OD 2, Koag for whieh a fee of $1 charged by the Chineae Bureau aud aSee<rf|l at the Honf? Kong olliee for wsetration, ' Pection 7—Aīl perm!ts fssued %the Foreigft Office an«l the (seneral at Hong K<ing are not j tWLfiafernhle. If U < wHl' be oamii»cated and th« pro■eci«ed. if aoy Ohūme w i^, iotent and paipoae to gahi acceßS to' tho Hawaiian I«land« (ender or prc■w»t r, r r*tm to V or pre~ s«Btedi t» mny oi!fcer t& or any otl»or Govemmwt, tkto*, « otlier *iocam©ot permil peiiwua! to hiui&eli foj C!iinesē to «a»ter the Hawaiian the fect of sach tender or ahal! %e eooehKMe 9iāSS of an afui4itoftMkl) C%&mm fn ti*e •B«Ma£faui Min46 s A!! ;«ormUs •! *»*'ī« fc &» «mi l Aet attd and al! pi»tofraph« le «mneeiioe, there«lth •h«l! b* «umH»d<m4 v lle lioWer on I «»»arißgithe ff**fSB*n r !%»& f he Ooil4Ct*£ Ge«WĒTfi3 d? Owiiaiaa or aoy | other(Mteetw ol €?B«|i»ae, who sliaH rra- j nMi>« miiiwliou* with tbe lis? ->f j naMWMttgers on th« arriving y«jse!. B®cn®r 9 AU for mft« for merchanU<ir having 'uiemla la tim īsl*a4», w kmimmw 'm ® a ' •aiMA £*i*o4« 9, imīoA $et iQ m ~ mml m. mwsim* wm M-aasie*l % a g«xnl aad «wtes*?i m» mmm »o tb« UaimuiAn £ p|«ove<l % Agjgm, an-j **- «atei«Kt. mm&awii.«, U»velei4Xw«a#liW% M ®W

t " t -mm~~ s a* ,raTe'«.*. . scre;y cr | mm o&uua froai lli# F<?re|ga j |Mndlt far W'iī&£ '<■&% tnercls»ot i or trmkr aad fb»r. ioiis«4t»'.tr , ,v -xg*m < i £ū« Lacdi3g lake biaj *v> lbf OHiiHKe j , Ba*eaa to eweaīe 5i;<J 1X'j: I. T , i« . j «eiii *urety or sare?ie~ #h4?I -h«r j | of -al l r3 j n-tAG*. -„r 'riVv?vr, i 1 file «Uhla seT«o » -tec'nr&*Iva *m- i J ler o*a;V., ir . t c?rt*!5ed t-> Vy CoT%>:- • loKimm!, that soch m«rcb&nt or ] I lr*v«k-r bdu» ieii the H*jraīUn < ' Ob r?<*tpt of !lit* evi<l«Dce, v oe'1 { wiU be <auaeeīleiJ. AH penmh* to emt baxt !or tbe liawiiiau I-;au<Js to | m€roluuite an.I travy*ieis s!hoee ?'iret]e» | hmve flled bo&<3& on thejtr beb*If shaii ! e ! noll and void umeee the merchao*« or [ trav*ler8 sha!l in tlie Manr&uan i LsId-n«lB bfefore tise aipiraūon 01 s:s | xuootlis irow _d,e jt th« iaeaanee 01 |..tad-peraaits by tbe Bareau. 8bctiok 10. Ail boods xv.n&i ba%*e im* presse<j upoo them tbe Tr«asnry stanip $1.00 before being filed. 8ectios 11. A of 3 or 50 eents a doxen, will lea-le for aH print«d fornii< i<■?«♦?(! fr<jt!ri th« For»*wn SEcnc-y 12. Ati pcrmits ;-v«\i*;<.! by ihn Forci2n mus' be \lsv<S !»jfore the OonsaI-Oeneral at or by tbpH«w*Hso Con»«l or V]ee-Con$Ui! al wh»ter»r port tbe grA7>t«e m»y 'aml or deparl froTD # be payh>g 5be i-i'elo-n.i ry eharges for ?nch v}ge, 5?ecnov 13.: . The toŪo\rlng fces wīH !>p t<h?.T~eā: ■.. ...i'OKElON 0Ī'FXCE l ttOSUjiOKU CU*Si;- • LATE OE.Vf:H.l r.. "R»teni .$1.00 i iAborer'si > er-.,> iVVitnessū)g aaiie i.1.0»'! £igaattur$ 1.00 Begisu*atiou..,.,. .25] , CI$rgvm«}; » T«»chersand j Colportears.., .o.OOi Cerlifiuate, patnra!ized fhi- j ne»e'and Ha- ; ' ' wfuian born ehiidren 1.0C- 8eai5tratioa 1.00 Merchants arjd »?itnessirig travelers.. .....5 0C Signature...... 1.00 8tarop on bonds 1,00 Mmors unoer 10 2;5«. Affiixm# stamp on apphoalion ttno other feē ie pfoVided ... .25 , BANFOKD B. DOLE, Minieter of Foreipa AffairF. ! Approvfed in Exectitive Gouncil tbe ?th day o! Febnjaryj 1893. ■T. A. KiKO, 1 Mitjister of tbe Interior. P. C. Joxe? 3 M!n!ster of īlnaoee. | ' Wzlita& 0, : 8xmr, \ Altof»ey^5enera^ Chine®ēe, T&at <jf F<st'Uoiaohūn^H. I.. >vm. ' * ' ' 1 13* ['. Iu aeeonlaaoe witu Aut 11 oow ia i «ffect, Ma. 8. M. OAMON, was, this f day, tjnaniaabo«ly Vice-President \ of therroTisiona'! GovernmenloF fbe īta- ] waiiau Islands, I JAMES B. eAiilLE, f 8wretary of the Ex. and Ad. Oouneile. | Honolnla, Feb. 4th, 1893. j 3297 1406-3t | »0