The Liberal, Volume I, Number 47, 22 Pepeluali 1893 — All Quiet In Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

All Quiet In Hawaii.

Xo r.eWs of u nHture at all *tart--11 ng wa- r£,:esvt-d īioii: Ilawaii by the steamer Austr:\liii, v> hīeh arrlYe*l early ou Wednesd;;iy, Fe!jruary 3tli. United MinLster Steveui, oa the lst of February. issued u proeLVmatioii dev!aring Jthat tfce t'aitetl Btates a3sumed a proteetomti over Ha',vaii, not.;i- u pelitieal measure, hut slmpiy in the interesb of peaee and gc>od order, and .-übject to„ negotiationv at Washington between the Goveraraēn + f e Uuīted States arid the Provisional Goverjament of Hawali, bat that had.nd more political signioanee ihan lf the same thing had heea done by the Minister of any other power. John F. Colburn t ex-Miaister of the laterior.of Hawall» md 9. ms- - of the Queen, has writt€a a letter to a gent!emsn ' īc th;s city m ! %'ii'elī he ih? luwaiian , •pv .}>',< ;> 'l <; I-3-, v.f I tb«?-r '- A!i ? tV*y are <leiiv6iks 'A reaujrdtīon of Queea Liliuokaiauī tc ehe throoe. Th!s doe? aot agree very well \yith tht. made hy Uie ehanapion of the native popuWiou, WileoK, when he was arralgned last' sumraer for treasouabie j Ho deelared tbat the purpo*t, of the native popu!ation w:h to >ee«re good : Government } and that tonspīraey and their* wfb no' against the Queen, i.-u< i f -he stood in the way <>f Um j«-«t *.arr> ing out of the laivs of Hawaii m\ist be pui aside and some other form aud ! ;method of govetnment hubstituted, | If President Harrīson and his Cabinet have heen waiting to see whether the Provisionttl Goveranient coaid mamtam before upon the q«estiou of annexalioo, there nf-ed he no further cause of delay. The represeutatives of all the foreign powers have g'jven formal recogniffon to tiie Provīsionai Governmeaf ; >n-A th»-re ha* H<en no move madf *. = re 3 t.ur,- the Queeu to the thron*-. ! Hawaii eoine- to a» u free | with nothīng t<> prevent our aceeptanee of It r? vte want īt. The ' 'forelgn populafion t,f the Mao<h i? ! weli satisfied to put Hawaii under the Ameiioan f!&g, and the nati%e 'popalation !- perfectly indlff«rem ' on the A!i have to dīej cīde i? tho question of poī!ey and expedfency s aed fhat wltl" probsbly >.0 IfcMed h-fore many day>? hy fhe 1 a<-t ? on of rongre?>.—rhroolde,