The Liberal, Volume I, Number 47, 22 Pepeluali 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
srotta',jL m cr«e iookiiig fox a eeke<J •»,tirvivur* !Lamj*on.' ! She «oalleia* corporation $2>j.j a day for bauulle» cor-! P°««»H.^p.... r eeeiTe & divideud i( ti>®' "*lpßp# st«amer make> u 0 f tbe Pacific o° v eUy of £he Pro* ( nt wears off a, l»ound to quesiiou j aod crit>cizs tbeir ( •dfc &$< far away. The boat with abundant Btor Sl*Jfif oo 4 tefi > īt v,ould iu reaehing ft' have erosSed the eueh lx>ata aod e olherh and t if ?ht l>ottox3a, it i» ao use lf the Goveruuient say iūg busine«> «end the ü ßiiihQp M to of 3evej^ffiundrtd pe<3ple who eoula The deterh j«st involve? s>f fuQdamen>:tl fc«t laankinu, inuuū thc j wiiāī I? gc»>u aad Tē~~m be when, iu j s li£ beeornes to shape the j conrse\fhtttßan developnjent It ls Jatf ti *& so ,ttiat the grreatest: good m*y aecrue to the greatest ■ 18 e°° d? Ti*»', whioh happines>p? Happi&6BS is $ieasurable sensn-' on ?ree, natura! and j and acthity 1 Btit, as now eon-! existiog conditioos»faTOiapj i8 entirely Ueyond, the ntne-tenths of inao-: that justice aod l«eald be so shaped th;\t tttUto* %mmivns may enjoy more | £tea«ures of Ufe. | »11, of the race?i Thto.jngrt W settte<-l before'we ean ' of ethicjj. fibatt ni*a-fcea aud tooth--I&£' - spidery Hmh? anU |ui&£a/iindiug hh eui-1 ployment aM enjoyuieīit in uiealal mtffvity?l&afī men diffyrentlate iak> ants, beb and 9hall there be k thinking , a cKt«« s€f reprodu!Ction. And vtbem fnoctions? The ro«?«earft towar«l ?iK'i - pai]L m sntv ham Miid aoeelēk 6r shaU uka wSSsm u mainum a j»at of J3*ysical anel ment*T •!». - • v<?loptDenf maintafQ tn the | imm* facu!ties | amt functtoaa? To W 4 or uot to I*»,, ood II to wli«t to t>e # 1< thpj #0r ffeilowphcr- tv | wMu No vrrtt«r m» fdr Ku? jii t|e fa»ttoE& o? ?.»cJaī remalns j!yr < oae ta cottAr»cl« ded#ciHv »v»rk on the is&sShi pt % ethlcs. Tīerberi Svm*s& thtober who ( has ever exbfed on thl- glo'H\, ; wmm iiitmctivc he r »«»>«ī-! - - • ;5 -*, phH» -• * pliyj 'Mt he vr.i- n, t' grvri/^^*tart 'n-m llw** W» f*lesl w*-rM wM:*h * i^^lsSKtpSpS^&s ' ■} <■'-< ; :"" ■!
I ■ ' • - ""t; o l*y 'iown ir. a UogmaUc way wha: ( ii rlgui aud wroug, wluu bjttst &ad j iike a couau:y £>Ar?oti or au | oid ■ ae>-'ordijus to thL- idtA= | of tbe pot-t-ellicd PhUīatines o£ oid , j Eaglanc]. Sp«acer Ua.< doue llie world uq gi>od iu via&ifying aad systemati2ing the ideua oi Juatice Jaat now the fashioa jimong the dull, re»peeUhle raiddk- cla*s£s of , £agiaud. Au atteuipt fit piūlos<> ( phy to ; exi;»iing institutioos i» aj pieee of jcou?orvatbui that Ume.Wilii .tf!eat.wiih contempt. " j