The Liberal, Volume I, Number 46, 18 February 1893 — BY AUTHORITY. RULES AND REGULATIONS [ARTICLE]
n Connection with the Reetrioting Chinese Immig tion Passed at the Session of the Legislature of 1892-1893 Pursuant to the power and authority vested in the Minister of Foreign Affairs by an Act of the Legislature passed on the 11th day of January, 1893, and by and with the consent of a majority of the Executive Council of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands. I do hereby make and publish the following rules and regulations to be in force in conjunction with an Act "Restricting Chinese Immigration" and the amendments thereto passed by the said Legislature until the same may be altered, amended or nullified: SECTION 1 - There shall be, and hereby is, established a Chinese Bureau in the Foreign Office which will be open for the transaction of all business relating to Chinese Immigration from 10 A.M. and from 2 p.m. TO 4 p.m. on all week days except Saturday when it will be open only from 9 A.M. to 12 noon. No business will be transacted on official holidays or other days when the Government Building shall be closed. SECTION 2 - No applications for Chinese Permits, or certification of any kind whatsoever will be entertained for vessels leaving Honolulu for China, within 24 hours from the advertised departure of such a vessel. SECTION 3- All applications for return permits for Chinese residing in the Hawaiian Islands to be granted by the Chinese Bureau of the Foreign Office must be accompanied by the applicant's receipt for taxes for the current vessel passenger ticket, his custom house passport and, unless waived by the Bureau, four photographs of himself, two full face and two profile. No application will be considered unless completed before presentation. SECTION 4-Permits issued to Chinese residents to go to China and return will be granted only for a period not to ex two years from the date of issue: ed that the Minister of Foreign Affairs in his discretion, by and with the sent of a majority of the Executive Coun cil may in exceptional cases extend the time herein stipulated. SECTION 5- All appliances for entry permits for Chinese women who have relatives by marriage or blood, residing in the Hawaiian Islands, and all children, male and female, under 10 years of age who have parents or guardians residing in the Hawaiian Islands, shall before presentation to the Chinese Bureau of the Foreign Office be certified to before the Chinese Commercial Agent, or the Assistant Chinese Commercial Agent in the event of the absence or disability of the Commercial Agent as to the truth of the statements contained in such application. SECTION 6-No permits will be issued to Chinese who have become naturalized Hawaiian citizens, or who have been born in the Hawaiian Islands. Upon satisfactory evidence being produced if naturalization, or of the birth of children of Chinese parents resident in the Hawaiian Islands, upon application therefore a special Foreign Office certificate will be issued to such naturalized Chinese and Hawaiian born children for filing in the office of the Consul General at Hong Kong for which a fee of $1 will be charged by the Chinese Bureau and a fee of $1 at the Hong Kong office for registration. SECTION 7- All permits issued by the Foreign Office and the Consul General at Hong Kong are personal and not transferable. If transferred they will be conflicted and the holder prosecuted. If any Chinese shall, with intent and purpose to gain access to the Hawaiian Islands tender or present or cause to be tendered or presented to any officer of Customs or any other Official of the Hawaiian Government, any ticket, permit, passport or other document other than a valid permit personal to himself for such Chinese to enter the Hawaiian Islands, the fact of such tender or presentation shall be deemed conclusive evidence of an attempt of such, Chinese to land in the Hawaiian Islands without a permit. SECTION 8. All permits issued made the said Act and Regulations and all photographs in connection therewith shall be surrendered by the holder on entering the Hawaiian Islands to th Collector Generator of Customs or any other Collector of Customs who shall promptly band them to the Chinese Bureau for verification, with the list of passengers on the arriving vessel. SECTION 9. All applications for permits for merchants or travelers, having business interests in the Hawaiian Islands, to stemporarily in the Hawaiian Islandsfor a period not to six months, must be accompanied by a good and sufficient bond for signed by one or more resident in the Hawaiian Islands approved by
loii» M •■£ Kor«!gT\ ASTiirv>, *»-ī ' I a«rcl»B.te or 4 i 3 "i-.;b ? or .ra,*2ergthv «nr«iy -"<r iuw'.lw it)iW rom ih* ofi!ce a , |«nDst tbe merch».Ttt l I*» tnwel|filind ?-bat* xipon ; |||| faniftn| Uk«" '.ūm. to tfc<» Cb\tte» Buma to the b»inx?, The wtSdjparety upon tbe j de{MUtur<ti ol said ui«rvbaul or traveiet, file within seven days & deciarat:on un- , der oatfe, and certified to by tb« CoUec-j tOT-Oenera!. !bat e-.ieh aietcbant cr ■ traveler has left tfce Hawaiian Island*. j lx>a receipt oi liiia evidence, tne bond : be caneeHed. AU perm: : .ts to est-1 bark tor tlie Hawaiian Islands granted to mefchAnts &n<l bravelers whoee sureties ha>vo bonds on their bebaif shall be nnll and vo>d ttnless tbe merciiants or 'btavelers sha!l lan-1 in the Hawaiian before tlie expiration of sijc months from tbe date of tbe iss.;jince of tlie permits by the Bureau. * fwmw 10. AH bonds must have imprcBeoß npon them tbe Treasurv stamp of $1.00 before beinp filed. 11, A charge of 5 ceuts, or i 80 eents a <tozen, will be ni3de for ali j printed forms is;ued froaa the Foreign OHee. S£crxoN 12. All isfiued by j the Foreifin Oiliee iaust he vised beiore the Consul-General at Hoogkong, qr by the Hawaiian Cons;i! or Yiee-Consui at whate"ver port the grantee may land a* or depatt fraai ; be $3.v1v.% th<-. e'>cftarge« for sucli vise. j 13. liie ov»ini iees ",y*A \ be chaise<i. . J HOSLiK.OSG cox<v- «*.. ! i.iTE GESKKAL. Betnrn Bermitsls.oo;Vise .$l.OO •lAboTer'sPer-... *Witnessing ; I.oo} Signature ! .00 Eegistration -b> Clerg>Tnen, [ TeĪMjhers and Colporteure... .5.001 Certiiicate, nat- j . uraiized Chi- ■, . , hese and ' waiian born j children I.oo}Registration 1.00 Mercliants and |Witnessing i travelers ,\S.QQI Signatur<} 1.00 on bonds 1.00) ♦Ka»«nunderlo 2.50! Affiiting stamp on application ifnootherfee ' i« 25! SANFORD B. DOLE, \ ■-■■■• Ministerof Foreign Afiairs. Approved in Executive Uouneii tiie 7th day of February, 1893. J. A, Ki>*g, Minister of the Interlor. P. C, " ot Finance. "WauueO. Smitu, Attorney-General. Cui»eoße Bureau, I)epartaient ui Fortāga Affairs, Honolulu, H. i., Feb. 7th, 1883. 43-3. -■•"•■:Jha'- eccordance with Act 11 now in efrect, Mk. S. M. DAMOX, wa«, this dav, unaDiruously cbo=en Vice-Pre.-iii.lent oi theProvl&ional Government oi the Haw«uan islands, JAMES B. CASTLE, SecretHr}' ot the Ex. and Ad. Councils. Honoīala, Feb. 4(ii, 1593. ; 32071466-3t J 43-3 » — IProvis3osa! Government of the Hawaiian Islands. ORDER NO. 3. Wbereas, bj Order N-o. ~ o£ thi» Goverurigbt of tbe T>Vrī tof Habeas "orpis was snspended ac<l'' martial law was proclainoet! thronghont tbe īs!an<3a of Oahn, ( It fs oow fnrther ohleteii that thy i of tba Writ ot Haheaa Corpas ū hereby leaiui Uiat oiartial 2aw ix itexebj saspauāml oa said lalanii <jf Oaliu, from and after 12 o'eloek aoou cf !t-ur:uaj, tht- s:h .daj of Febrn!»ry, 1633. , Honolulō. Feb, 3rd. 3833. SANPFORD 15. DOLE, Pw*»Ment of tbe Prf.>visiotjal GoverniiHut <rf *he Havalian 7»!and?. BrttePresid«nt: 4. A. Kao, 40-4 Mnnster of Lnterior. ACT 11. Ali ACi IO iWTABLIBH iUE OFi'ICE OF VRMS-PJiESI I>ENT. ii md Aā'mory Guvy:uueat ot the mwati an'!«īau-l-: ī~Tbi?u> eliall be iien • •-* tbe Ad?yojgr a , MT«ho &»n be lbeV}ee-l'iwl<teUf tL. j FWfMß«ttt Ooveinment of the i fit«nriffi «ho vki«>B (he d«ith, da*»biiiS; or «ii»SL9aliScalii7n oī tfae Pr«£īahail 'aav<f aod exeraii \h>: ( i'ie viiil : Uon oi .% rrewd«ct, -ir th<t r<myrai -A sud* i dl««!>nHy S—ftt Ihe of \hb Preti- ī I ist* Vi>s-Pre*S3enī *hs!l t'-c ex- jSSd:i ! [■-OMmiui of tbe "wi«3 Adrīsory ; [.-OeoneH# »b«® i«Uicg & l?jgjas»tite bodj. j k t~ltm Ast t»ke j i I [ thi* *t 'l*v ->f Pv!..'Onr«, L\ - * k th)LF, » ib* Vn>fi*iGia%\ Oorttni:t •. i | 1 ltaw*iiw Īfl«ntl* | 4 4. A. JiJLKG. | , Huu««r of tU | L.