The Liberal, Volume I, Number 46, 18 Pepeluali 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OAHU RAILWAY AND LAND CO'S TIME TABLE. FROM AND AFTER NOV. 1st, 1892. TRAINS A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Leave Honolulu .... 6:15 8:45 1:45 4:35 Arrive Honouliuli 7:20 9:57 2:57 5:33 Leave Honouliuli 7:30 10:43 3:45 5:42 Arrive Honolulu ... 8:35 11:35 4:55 8:55 PEARL CITY LOCAL. Leave Honolulu . . . . 5:20 . . . . Arrive Pearl City . . . . . . 3:58. . . Leave Pearl City . . 6:00 . . . . Arrive Honolulu . . 6:10 . . . Saturdays only. Sundays excepted. Saturdays excepted. WM.G. IRWIN & CO. (LIMITED.) Wm. G. Irwin..... President and Manager Clans Spreckels, . . . Vice President W.M. Giffard. . . . Secretary and Treasurer Theo. C. Porter . . . . . Auditor. SUGAR -:- FACTORS Commission Agents. AGENTS OF THE OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMP'Y OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TIME TABLE LOCAL LINE. S.S. AUSTRALIA Arrive Honolulu from S.F. ....... January 25 Leave Honolulu for S.F......... January 4 " " " " ...... February 1 THROUGH LINE. From San Francisco to Sydney S.S ALAMEDA Arrive Honolulu .............. January 13 From Sydney for San Francisco, S.S. MARIPOSA Leave Honolulu ................. January 12 The undersigned are now prepared to issue Through Tickets to All Points in the United States. For further particulars regarding Freight or Passage apply to Wm. G. IRWIN & Co., Ltd. MANUFACTURERS -:- SHOE No 102 COMPANY. FORT ST. TO LET. A Furnished House at Diamon Head Containing three rooms and a wide veranda, together with other buildings on the premises. The lot is one acre in extent and is a fine location on the beach. For further particular apply to Mrs. THERESA CERTRIGHT.