The Liberal, Volume I, Number 46, 18 Pepeluali 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HONOLULU STEAM SOAP WORKS Pare Laundry Soap pct ap in boxes of 100 pounds of 40, 55 and 63 bars each, for sale by all retailer. M.W. McCheeneyK & Sons, Agents. -ELITEICE -:- CREAM -:- PARLORS HART & CO., - - PROPS. BAKERS, CONFECTIONERS, Etc., Etc., Etc. W.S. LUCE, Wine and Spirit Merchant. Merchant St., Honolulu. HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., Merchant St., : : Honolulu. METROPOLITAN -:- MEAT COMPANY. Office and Headquarters. King Street. - Honolulu THOMAS LINDSAY. WATCH MAKER MANUFACTURING JEWELER. McInerny Block, Fort st., - - Honolulu. J. EMMELUTH & CO., HARDWARE -:- DEALERS Plumbers, Fitters & Tin Workers. Corner stone, Nuuanu & Merchant Sts. Honolulu. LOVE'S BAKERY. Nuuanu St., - - Honolulu. The Oldest Established Bakery ON THE ISLANDS. SHIPPING & FAMILY ORDERS Promptly attended to. [3 3mos JOHN PHILLIPS. PLUMBER & GAS-FITTER KING STREET, HONOLULU. H.E. McINTYRE & BRO., Groceries, Wholesale and Retail. Cor. King and Fort Sts., Honolulu. CASTLE & COOKE, -IMPORTERS ANDCommission - Merchants. PALACE Ice Cream Parlors ARLINGTON BLOCK A Choice Assortment of Cakes, Mince Pies and Candy on Hand AND MADE TO ORDER Ice Cream from PURE CREAM from Wood. lawn Dairy. 26-3ms BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE By order of Mr. J.D. Holt. I now offer for sale 15 PIECES OF LAND near Liliha St., below Judd St. The lots vary in size from 68x73 feet to 75 to 101 feet, and are some of the lots offered for sale. The lots each front on streets running through the property, and have an outlet on both Liliha and Bishop Streets. These lots all command a fine view of the and Harbor and combine a cool healthy EASY TERMS. For further particulars apply to James F. Morgan. Auctioneer. C.E. WILLIAMS. FURNITURE and UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE Manufacturer of all articles of Household and Hotel Furniture. Fort Street Honolulu.