The Liberal, Volume I, Number 45, 15 February 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Affo:rg - as4«-|' meh merehssts c-r :ravclt;s V>a.rd iiae'h. meiulia'n'? fj» traveler. gie *tx3 ~~re:? :r S3w;^ ( %he F«e;£? Off.ce & the sa!l xerchsfiit ' &£ whal! !rnmedi,it?ty npon"| fcl^iaodiog -t tA blm to the dilne«e ■ ite the ?a!-i >-ontl The | or surefies «haH upon ihe , of sai'Ī! mercha.Dt cr vnweVr, aeven days a dec!araMon nn-! aod tū i>y ihe Coll<H:- > yj|guC^Ksral l tbat ?nch merchant or > iB|Wfd»hßB left tbe Hawailan tg;ands. | of tiii? evidence, the bond j WSgi be cancelled. All permlt« to em-1 Hawailan Island? gr{inte<l to and tmvelers whoee ?-re(ice ! boi;ds on !heir beha!f sha?l be I asd void unleee the merchantß or 1 l§£v«!EerB ahall lan-5 :n the Hawaiian | bef«re tiie expiration of six j from tbe date of the of peniūtB by the Bureau. K &osnoiJ 10. All bonde muet have im[HMM>g npon them the Trea&ury stat»]' t&sl .W bkore being s &tctk>» 11. A cbarpe of 5 ce»ts, or %6 ce«tB a do2en, fdll be made for all *printed lonn" )s«neil froni ihe Foreign Ss#ce. SEcriON* 12. All perraits ;KsueJ by the Foreign OfT.< e mus? visetl before ; t\©CwBol-General at Hongkong 4 or by Uhe«b»wal!an"Con!s it or V!Cē-Consul at j port the granīee may land at or hom, he p3ymc: ':v.s!oL-)v:ry : 'chargeß ?orsnch vlse. |Sēctiok. 13. The fees wlll 'he charged: , ,FO*ilGS OFtICt i IloN'ijKoN<i tOM'iV- | ; LATS UEN£KAL. jßeturn PeTtx>its!V).OC'Vise fl.oo Per-... IWitnessing « ...........1.001 Bignature......l.Co $*mtrztion 25 ?vS«jber9 ami I ,5,00i ■' *GsjĒ*ific&te, n»fc- j . jaral«!ed Chi- j. . is&ib and Ha- 1 fci*lSkm- bora I ' I? ;t)Mkbrea I.oo'Regietration . ..1,00 Jterchants and lWitneasing 1 €tttvelers 5.00 Signature 1.00 -Stamp on bondsl,oo under 10 ;; stamp 6 2C>! I * . ■ . SANFOKD B. IX)LE, Minieter of Foreign Affairs. \ Approved in Eiecntive eounell tbe s 7£h day 1893. | " J.A. Ktko, ' _ S&fetsr of the —r-" { "WniiAM 0, SMITH, - s AttdriQey-Geners'. BoKiau, Departtnc£ft e.l ForHonohil», H. ī., Feb. 7tll, ' * *lo accordance with Act 11 now iu '«fffect, Mr. S. M. DAMON, was, this ]<Bkf, tmanlmoaslv Govcrnnieut of iue Hawaiiao Xsiau<i@. <fAMEsi B, CASTLE, of the Ex. aud Ad. Counci?9. tob,-itk, 1893. 3297 1466-3t 43-3 Frovtsi<>nal Government of the Ha- .. . Xs!an^, > , OKDEK NO. 3. lifhBrea3, by Order 2 of this Goverut!ie rigfet of tbo Writ of Habeas Corw»e tm*peu3ed an«? *f#Msafmed throoghoot tbe f«lanOls of Oiliw, JaßO&ry 17th, 1893. Kianow fortber ord?ml tbat ri«lit v>f tfa» Wni oi Habea« Corpas >s Uer«by rt>au<l tUal tuartial hw is lif«rbj -u«- j &-i'A Islapd e f O.i ia., froii; ia«.l a£ter 12 o'oloek ī\kxw ->f • ! >- "il J)J et¥W>TaaTy, 1895. Honolnh», Feb, m BANDFOBP B, DOL£, Vy«Bfdent of tlm Prorf(?fo|ial of Um Bavaiian Talattdi B, tfce A. lkD(o t Arf'~ī"i. XO iīiL ijfi ] OF . 3' ?}H>: īh.l' tb« K«ecui Wc A-l» !i ory (smKieīTs"cif - •mf«t #rth* Rt«aUtvn B*nmse I—fhen- be cbo«@o from #Mw>tKW of tfe« kārfmrf Coo»<n n mm' *bo $b&it be the V;«»>Presia«nt of ihi f>cari«icnal Cfarer&]»eut «>f whu ;he 4*ath, ( 4iU§bil% o« dis<iQalific«iirtc •" ihe rr-#i- : lurre mē ffcs »o<ji *vthoH\y of ttx» nctH. th<? = {;«Sf af a' Ptea3clffnt, ihe (>ī —; A _ cr '*•'?< | m#mM 3-i« tt>« ->f th6 Ttml Ykfl-Fmi<Mst Bh*H b« ei-ofS<*o | {?fr»;»raar» of īhe jĒx©catiwf «-i , «»u»g m % bu-l*. • .) jPprrimi Aet shatt t«k« tSeet tsr.<,c | A{l(n«nd thk <•* % P. ! .- | «• B- MJ. f ■ n&elāmi -?r: <A lf.t? isi. 'i'i' i