The Liberal, Volume I, Number 45, 15 February 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
hosolVW STEAM SOAP WORKS far# i*eo4r? «Soav pot oy in boxes of 100 potted* of 40.56 ab'l 63 bare each, for aate by all mailers. M. W. KoChMa«jC«: Son*, Assets. E LIT E — ICE CREAM PARLORS SiAUr Jt Co.. •« - I'Rors. BAKERS, CONFECTIONERS, Etc., Etc. • W. S. LUCE, Wine and Spirit Merchant Merchant St, Honolulu, ll4jnosl ( HAWAIIAN NEWS cd, Merchant .St., : : Honolulu. / METROPOLITAN -> MEAT C O M P ANY. JSBf'pflicc aud Headquarter* King Street, - Honolulu. — HAWAIIAN rSTEAM 'SOAP WORKS T. finwuM, * * ProprUtor. KING ST., LELKO, - HONOLULU. Bti.ll felephoae No. to. [l-3mos , -v-i« M.iCftCAT MACfri:<isT, Qua and Locksmith, Bethei. St., Damon's Block, , (Corneir Stque.i 6-lmo THOMAS LINDSAY, WATCH MAKER —— A.HD—~ MANUFACTtmiNO JEWELEU, MeUierny Block, Fort st., - Honolulu. J. EMMBLUTH & 00., HARDWARE DEALERS Plumbers, Fitters & Tin Workers. Comer stone, Nuuauu & Merchant Sts., Hooolnlo. LOVE'S BAKERt, Nua&mi St„ - - Honolulu, The Oldest Established Bakery ON THE ISLANDS. SHIPPING A FAMILY ORDERS Promptly attended to, [3-toog
JOHN PHILLIPS, PLUMBER if GAS-FITTER. KING STREET, HONOLULU. H. E. SfcINTYRE & 'BRO., Groceries, Wholesnle am Retail. Cor, King and Fort St»., Honolulu. 'CASTLE' 6 COOKE, — AND — Com m(**i4>n W< t chanis, 'T.Bl MtTBHAY, Kf S'f Strkst. CARIUA(.'I- MAKI2K BRPAITR« MOST ULEAJXMAULt.. ( % arrtfnie Painting <112 Trimming AH W<H* e*<i *r>C-cl4 iswa PALACE^ * t tPr? . ,* * K? Uui, Usui tm ud Cufy a Eui. AND MADE tl> OKDEK. j fo» P»MB fw» PtSUe Ouxit fafftS I !*«« _ &■s»* jt *