The Liberal, Volume I, Number 44, 11 Pepeluali 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

tfae ol Foreign Aff«;r«, | eeatod n:«>rc::aj:?# or *he i7f.xzi oi an? ' 1 hsl(lr •?"- V?sr * " sa;,i cr ( obtaiOroa> *.s:* Fone;go * t "Wnait' f(J%id:īig thA M !Ewhant ' mr-oa| PlhiinTīiffr' him u> :b*> ehioe»'

to execate the %aid bocd. The torety or sore6en eha3T apon the ? , uf eaid mer«;hant or traveler, wilhin eeven days a Jecīarstioo tm- • aii'i wrtified to by .ti;e Goilec* j tor-Geoeral. that *nch raerchant or i H*feier has >eft tbe Hawaiian | Oa receipt oi Xhls ,evidfence/the niH be cancelled. All pennit? to em-: ftyfc tor the Hawaiīan IstanJ« to ■ IBercbants ard whc*le surēttee j li*ve filed bonds on their behalf ehall be j saS a«4 Tdd unleea the mejrchacts or l&all tand in the! Hawaiian < JUattd* be<ore the ,e>xpirati<MD <£ «Lx : i stoQtbs froxn tbe date of the jssuance of' tbe permita by tibe Bureaa. | fswrrto?f 10. All bonds must bave im- * pmeed npon tbem tbe Treasu.ry stamp of $t.OO before *ieuig filed. ' BscTīoy 11. Ia charjte of h cents,,or '50cettts a dorerl, wHT be m&'ile īor al! *printed' forms issoed from the Foreign Office. j >£CI-. | AIl i>e»mits j^s upd tbe Fbreii;n Offijc£ muat Le the Consul-Geoeral' at Hongkonfoor by the Hawaiian Conv.l or Vice-Consul at -whatever f>ort.. t-he grantee' may lacd at otdcpart from, he payinat t!te charees for such vise. Szctiqs 13. Tl:e follawinj,j feea will be charged: fORKKtX OFFICi, | HON»KOSO 00X31?- | L±T£ QZXfZKAL. Ket T 3rn Permitsfo.ooiVise ,$l.OO Laborer , B , Per-... !WitnesBĪng ...l'.OOi BigDakuce...... 1.00 £egistration...... .25» Clergymen, | T»achereAtfd | ' Ooiporteurs... ,5.00i , Certihcate,nat- | uralized Chi- ' nese aud Ha- ] waiian born ; I.oojßegistration .1.00 Herdiants aud VVitiie£sing trjtVelers.. 5.00] Signature 1.00 Btawip on bon<lsl.oo Minors under 10 2.50 . Afiiixin|{ stamp on application if no other fee i» provided..\. .25 !BA«FORD B. DOLE, Mlini9terof Foreīgn Afiairs. A'pproved iii Execative Councii tue 7th day o? Febniary, 1893^ J. A. King, 'Min|ster of the Ihterior. P. C. .Tokes, ' ' >flōister of Fi»an<-e ®mr - •* AtSorney-Oeneral, I>uireau # I>epartmeiit oi ±oreigaAfiain}, Ilonolulu, H. Feb. 7th, 1883. | 43-3 ln accordaiice with Act 11 now in effect, Mr. S. M. DAMON, wae,.this day, unanimoii?ly cbosen Vice-President of thePxovisioaal Governmentoī" sbe Ilawaiian le)an<ls. ]JAMEB B. CABTLE, €ecretary of tile Ex. and Ad. Co-.ī%i't>. ftonolulit, Feb. 4th, lfi r <3, '3397 im-3t i, *** - IProvieional of the Hawaiian t»lands, ORDER NO. 8. " Whereas, by Order No. 2 of thiB Govtfn- ' ment the r!ght|of the Writ of Habeas rorpes was ftnsl wart!a" T*tw wa>» s proe!aimed thtba<{hont the MamOle of Oahu, | #wnnnry l7th, 1893- : Xt ie now fanher ordere<l thnt th« richt of i ;«he Writ of Ipbeaa Ctfrpu» is hereby re- ■ that iu&rtiallaw iahereby =us- ] ou Is!ai(,d of Oaha, from ai!<l after 12 o*ok>ck. noon ot SauUay, th« "»lli <!j;- ' of Febroary. Honotnlti,Fft>.nra,Pfe. Pi««!dent of jthe ffovfsiono(! of the Waihi#. * By«w Pmilent. .***> Jteo. - 4at-3 1 I Mtnūtear of interior. | ll€T 11. AN AGI lO IsJIABUtSH iHK UFFICK OF i>» ti EpEAe-peo Ett«»aw A'tOA|iyi4- j <stj Coa*MiU of th« rīovi*iouaīljrg?tLmn»fttt if tO|M > Ba*" ! inaQ j BsrrK£» I—(Tfcere «hall be hw... (be BMBinbeT9 of the Advfmrjr Cooucil •> p i- i 9sb wfto «hall b« tbe V!oe-Pn»idont tb'.- • pte«iaiimal GoveraiQ«ut of the Hawaiiau | who upwa t£e death» j 4isabUity pr > i]«qoaSijscat»oa oi ihz Tt*»i- ? 0 ( t «|XAS! h&sī> &aJ *terci*t* HH tt« , &»d astbori<v| <->f t!u, un'ī! !'u- , lie» of a Priss4«»i, or ilw» r<*ux?vfc' of i 3i*abitlt? <ir j 3~ta Uss ->t tt« Vrmi- | A*Tl t» | Catairman of' tbe ai><! Af3vī«ory : OooMile *b«a tfMtog »« a |«jjW*ti-«v | >-• ,B*?ms &~Tiu« A«t thal! ta&e j pabUeation. ' 1 i-* r,f *-brsafj } A- ī>< i ' I rm&mV K. 8 POLE, nf tha PīiWWml 4„ K. Mm, ot t&« r. j