The Liberal, Volume I, Number 44, 11 February 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BY AUTHORITY.. mm n Conaection with Ihe Act*] R«>«trictine ticn at 1 he. Session of the X*eal»'ure ] ol 1&&& -1893. Ptyrsoani to the power and axithoryj] vested in the Minister of Foreign A Skia.j by an Act ot the Legislature passed, the 11th .day of January, 1895., and pj and with tbe consent of a majority of tie Executive Council of the Provt&onsi Government of the Hawaiian Is!and«J do hereby make and publish "Jhe following rales and regulations to be in in coo junction with an Act ''Restricting Clynese Immigration'* ant! tbe menta thereto passe.l by the said legislature niitilthe same may be altered, amended or nullified: , Sbction I—There shall be, and hereby is, established a Chinese Bnreau in the: Foreign Office which will be open for tbe > transaction of all business relating' ty Chinese Immigration from 10 a. m. to 112 u. and from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. ongi} week days except Saturday when it wilji be open only from 9 a, m. to 12 noon, No business will b$ transacted on official holidays or other days when the Government Bailding shall be closed, Section 2—No applications for Chinese Permits, or certificates of any kui.s whatsoever will be entertained ior vessel#., leaving Honolulu for China, within 24. hoars from : the advertised departure cl such vessel. Section 3—All applications for leturii permits for Chiuese residing m waiian Islands to be granted by M Chinese Bdreau of Foreign Office must be accompanied by tbe receipt for taxes for the current yegr; ML passenger ticket, his custom 'itooMi pall* port and, unless waived hy the lour photographs of two ftitH I&g. and two profile. No application will W considered unless completed before. prt| s«ntation. Section 4—Permits issued to Chined residents to goto China and return wfjl be granted bnly a period not to exesM| ±wo vftjura trc&nMr da*»? <if Tt ed that the Minister of Fore _ in hfs discretion, ny and with the sent of a majority ol the Executive Qqw-', ctt may in exceptional cases extend at time herein stipulated, ..... Sscnos s—All applications fgr jp.lx •permits for Chinese women relatives by marriage or blood, in the Hawaiian Islandß, and all cMidxj: male and female* under 10 years of who have patents or guardians real the Hawaiian Islands shall beiotje, sentation to the Chinese Bureau Foreign Office be certified to before Chinese Commercial Agent, or the sistant Chinese Commercial Agent in event of the absence or disability o£ the Commercial Agent as to the truth of &r statements contained in such applipa " Section 6—No permits will be , to Chineee who have become nat Hawaiian citizens, or who have bom in the Hawaiian Islands. ' V\ satisfactory evidence being produced, naturalisation, or of the birth of of Chinese parents resident In the 1 inn Islands, Upon application special Foreign Office certificate issued to snch naturalized Chinese Hawaiian born children for filing In titS. office of the Consul General ajt Kong for whkh a fee of $1 will be by tbe Chinese Bureau and a fee q£|l gj, Ut# Hong Koug oilice for registration. Si*cno* 7- All permits ijuaoiid hy U*# Foreign Office and the Consul <jea6fsl at Hong Kong are peraoiml and jut transferable If transferred they be confiscate ! and the holdei jgosecated. If any Chinese shall, vith intent and purpose to gjain access, to the Hawaiian islands tender or •eat or «ause to be tendered or presented to any officer of other official of tbe Hawaiian Ciovwasoent, any ticket, permit, josepoti or other doeamiant other than a valid lmmit personal to himseli for auch lo nator Um £(awailau la2«i(,d^ of finch or ha deemed conclusive mtkui&3 oi an aitowpt ol such Ctiineae tu laud ia fiawaltah ts'aads n, ptucmit. 8. AQ |Ntirmits iasned tbe sakl Act ssd BflpUfttigiM aod «li in tamcectioa shall be wrren«k*red by Uie euteriagthe Laiauda of Ctsartotas or any other Collector of Costous, who ifaeii pcoaipUy hand ttiem to the Obinwe <Bnmm for veiiSc*tico # with tlis [ on ssmUg | ' Btfmm 9. , All appJi«a4kaia »»ia tor or LmveWafenttitw IQ MAmmmm, J&* hmfa,to mjmvtn Umpmirtiy 'Im.Wtftr for a j«*k%S mM to, «*- oscd whs. Ui£3*ibs& t mtuA h& %112 * fq»A tor |a^. ijm a* mmt snntim rtmU*.,,* HftKralias