The Liberal, Volume I, Number 44, 11 February 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Tetk LTr.rr.AX ;heic' Ishtnds be aaatxe\i to Caiifocaix i; oow cert*ūa taat \ve are io beeome a pen of tht : United Btate«. th« 'Exairkmet it f?» ft <jaestfco of wfeaf k!nd -A gqv©nimeni t!r't shall glve Hawaii. There are .m the way of & syateiu that wiil be fair and equitable to all (3aases in these I>lan<ds, The doaiiargr one cla&s meaos th«. oppreBs>ion of the others. To be raled by offlc?als appointed froui a distant capītal is dissonant with our idea? of llberty. We \vant to aii fiee aqd equui Americaa citue«s. Thiā pnviiege**is accorded ouiy to the inhabitants cf a state. Hawaii faas nofc fche area or population of a state eompamhle with other states of the Union. The United ?tate> wonld be reluctaut togrant us statehood. The ProvisiomU Govemmeat and the mo>»l ioflue,ntīai purtiou of our populaliou dol not eousidei' a state governmeny «je?irc»blM. īt is well-nigh that we ean become a state Jn īuiv reasoaal'ie nu-m ber uf years. Tiie next be?t thing is to be a jurt yf a atate. Our nearest neighbor is a great, prosporous state, posses?Ang u larg,e aud prosperous population. IN coustitution, laws and prineiples «re those of the most ealightened aud liberal people on earth. Everything \vould be fixed aml setded at ouoe. The laws of Caiifornia would be ia force, the courts af Caiiforuia would be on hand to interpret arfd apply them. There wou!d be precedent for everything. There woukl 5e no experimenting, no friction, no hreakdown, 'no agitation for further changes. Thoee who were aot satisfied with the law» of Califon?ia could elect iegiBlators to send to Sacramento to change them ar*cordlDg- to their InAneoee, We wpukl raake four liiee "%V; el^fc om county tuUßty judges, distriet attorneya recorders cierks, schooi $uperin£eadenta, roud boards and all loeal ofßcers. We coald vote for ali state officers— governor t asseaj.bly men, seuatoris, etc., for a congressmaa and for prtisideut of Uie Uuitetl Staieo. We would be enfraucliia'ed, ciothed with the full right? and respoosibilities of Amerlcan oitizens:. That !$ all that anv eau ask iu the W3y. of liberty j?r polliieal po\ver. Lei be Caiiforniaus if we are consulied iu the matter. Thiī Eulielin says I am resortjing to "brutal abuse" of the natives. The BiUletin does not quote any of the "hmlal abuse," The; l4 brutai abu«e M !< :> tcnn u-?od hy Dauiel to priyudice ihe !sativēs who aie posed not know when they are abused unless- some detnogogue telU theui. The Ei>Jhtiu km-w» tbuf I' have aever utteretl one word of abn c e agafn«t fhe natives. I have aiwny< !>een one of their firmest friendt. That I have uot Oattered as the Buihtin aud the lxx)dlers have done, «imply «how-* that I did not seek to u«e thein for j>er3onal ends. I wa* not fawning on them to get thetr favor or their votes. I told them Uie plaiu truth« gave them good and fair warnlng. I !old them to sell their aud buy rifie?; I tried tu a litUe iuauh6od iu theru; aud if ♦bey h?td mv adviee the wouM have dowu iiieu and the uative? would N» a fre4» and indopendent people to-'.!ay. wMt the I uoade at the i>id .iraiory the <>t ,Wifeoy and Ashfōrd, whieh e?ten 1 :iic, .'j;r.! h<-cu r*.'eorded. it wuuid re«d Uke n pro»»ow I tnlri if they dld n.oi 4=-:f-irA 15- - rt!r-mox th*-y UiU.--i e%u|>e< tt" V: I*l*<<l^llo ißmttld frw, muM the Wow.*" T* *? !.<**? r<»mouātoflc« f btt6 it »Mt ->n Jm( mm* Tbtt>* «et io *tolid iipafhy wht{e Ihe s>y>d ftf>ls-styv f v a\\'^y tb#» <>f the t "the life ot the U«d" they t&lked noeh alwt. They īho legis!ature a»d sK>id theirbirUij ri^ht

for \ pottage. Th*ii c«axxuy t s tJjeir hoaor» liieir |»jcoiaise& r Ui«ir #arty, th«r Iriesdls aev«r r»c«iv«a a thought. Tacir ocis- aiia waa la se» thelr votes for a few aoilai»' ta fiīl lheir t-eilies. It i>, u>,*busQ saeb people. Tht-ir own act-j iaam i tbes. . | '>» ] i isi> sow t hom *re the oatives l sbowjDg; lheir patriotisni, eaerg>y iaod abi!ity in the present crW (when the fioal desiiay of their eoua- | try ttod themae4ves i- beiag aet f rImioea? Wb«t are they doiag for | tteouelv«B *ad the laini that g«ve \ mtsm s«rtfe* They ar* ja<?t i hi * WBtk, way woai will happen Tbey havt- aj more idea of doio|r aoytMng i*> ha'nth«msetv«s than so manv »heep. It is 110 uae to work for the of «oeh a people. To give tfeeaa polilEieai pQwer is only io pui an tn-itru-«aent into ihe han<ls of the eonupttottists. If the Hawalla* l ? had sohk' aeiwe and saud . £bout .oem tli?y woold aceept the fact that the monarcby ia extioct; they wouhi see that aaaexuUon i». prefferaWe to a protector4te; they wouW see that to heeowie a partof CaUfomi»ofiers the best *passible ehanee for them to i «ecore the fuli rigbts of Atn€rh:aa | citizeos- Thev woohi el6ct two or i thr«e oi lbeir abJest men to n»jpre« ! sont thera in Wa=hington and Sacra- | tnento. They wouid raise uiobey to f pay their expense>, even if they ! had to seU their pigs iustead roast- | ing them to makea Teast for medij eine inen. They wouiU do soaoetliing, j Tney wouKl subseribe for T»x j Libekal an<i pay io advance, | lii£ LlB£kaju t!f u*ualty pretty* j uearly rigbt. -So it has prov(Hi in regur<i to the attitude of foreiga governmetd«f. European coahtrlea agree that it is a matter betvice£n Engiaadand the Uuited States. The £ugUsh are, uot weil pleased, but their government has not even protested and it ts apparentiy not their intentioQ to send a warship here aor to tafce any particular ueiioe. ia the matter, The monaruby is dead, we i said. Dead it is, and buried. .We j pronouoced the kfi ualogy. Tiii, ,and tlie iast sayu good far it. We hope the oaUves wlli 'wake up now aad.reaiize that they are no longer eubjects, but citi2t*Qs> By iadustry and enterprise, by seif»reiianee and $eLf-help they ean take their pl«€6 auiong wen. Tbey wiil h»ve equal rights and equai ehaneea under the Stars and Stripea. I Th£. liulleiin awl Boodlerg axe greatiy perturbed ou accouot of the pOi>sibility that sooie of the " JLiberals ,r may be reciogaLeed !>y Uje Provi«fonal Govemaient. TJie' Boodle Org«n has uodergone a ata ehange into sōmething new and «ifcrange aod io and behold, it i*>, ail M oaee, a bitter opponent of the «poih» system! £>om being the avowed enetny of refortn m auy form and of the Provisioaal GovernJ ment in parUcuiar, 5n ouo short | it heeome» m soiīcitou3 abo«L Ihe I iame and success of the ,aew admijd- | istrat»on that it devotes whoie eolj lo advice a» to how fney j should coaduct tho Goyernaieiii so as not to get the royaiiats and i>oodlew down on them. It id so kiau oi the Eulletin tu 4id the tioa wīih iu> sagacioos %nd bighly disintereBt6d coua;«i' The ex-orgsui in qu«»Uon U apen Jang all niUou on tbe L;berais uow; the ,editor'ti ahnonmu inteiiect ia eancenirated in 4 .i,e effort eo beat . tiie "If he eaa keop beiore the puhiie the moELstrous eūau.' qL the - jUbernU" ia aedking oAiee, | ihe Liuie matter of his beicg a | b»jodier, a trnekier to ī roy#it>-! a hireiicg ol tfee ' anui Auaeneai* |mriy may aii ba iett ia ī th« h*ckgrou*Hl. | — ' t o>"j_ iiii.N'., Uvi add» auisiewhi£i> | k» my ia Uw UiuU l * never ex{*etimī:& &u&e\wiOoity j Som« pwpie werc e*ercb«d j silx?ut ihe sei'Ttvy iha% »utrvuaūt-I | ēarljr meeaāgii $1 ūm K*ocuūw md I Advu>ury Couiicii>. Taai«iil >et'ju- > i oniy n&iurni o L m;l£j pnAeelkīiL Ru{; aow U> ui.s^ | *Xport« o! tik& 1 |jpose ik&i wh±» fi«i2gcr Fttost tm kāo»1«4g« 'mi #JWB wiU * be «Ui«&ed v ~ t x