The Liberal, Volume I, Number 44, 11 Pepeluali 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

WM.G IRWIN & CO. LIMITED-. Wm. G. Irwin, . . . . President and Manager Clans Spreckels, . . . . . . Vice-President W. M. Giffard,..... Secretary and Treasurer Theo. C. Porter ... Auditor SUGAR -:- FACTORS AND Commission Agents. AGENTS OF THE OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMP'Y OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 28-4 TIME TABLE LOCAL LINE. S.S. AUSTRALIA Arrive Honolulu from S.F.... January 25 Leave Honolulu for S.F...... January 4 " " " " ........... February 1 THROUGH LINE. From San Francisco to Sydney. S.S. ALAMEDA Arrive Honolulu .................. January 13 From Sydney for San Francisco, S.S. MARIPOSA Leave Honolulu ................. January 12 The undersigned are now prepared to issue Through Tickets to All Points in the United States. For further particulars regarding Freight or Passage aply to Wm. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd. 2-8tf General Agents. OAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO'S TIME TABLE. FROM AND AFTER NOV. 1st. 1892. TRAINS A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Leave Honolulu ..... 6:15 8:45 1:45 4:35 Arrive Honolulu 7:20* 9:57 2:37 5:35 Leave Honouliuli 7:30* 10:43 3:43 5:42 Arrive Honolulu .. 8:33* 11:55 4:55 5:30 PEARL CITY LOCAL Leave Honolulu ............. 5:20 ........ Arrive Pearl City ............. 5:58 .... Leave Pearl City .. 6:00 ............... Arrive Honolulu ... 6:10 ............ Saturdays only. Sundays excepted. Saturdays excepted. THE MANUFACTURERS -:- SHOE No, 102 COMPANY. Fort St. Ladies, Gentlemen's and Children's FINE FOOT - WEAR The Largest Steak in the Kingdom. TO ORDER. Fit Guaranteed Cor. KING AND ALAKEA STS. WHEN THE WENT OUT! Looking for his old school mate JOHN SON the Shirt Man to make him some Good Shirts to order, and make . My Shirts don't cost any more than job lots or common store shirts. THE FACTORY is at the corner King and Alakea streets. No hundred dollars no a month rent, only GOOD SHIRTS reasonable rates. Shirts kept in repair two charge. A JOHNSON, Shirt Maker. Here we