The Liberal, Volume I, Number 44, 11 February 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
! TO LET OR FOB SALE. Besidesoe IN A VERY PA RT of UlihaSireet. The contains Parior, .? sje'Jrogm,,, drestiug roOu, smoking room, bath mem, dining room aud cookhouse, 2 room cottage adjoining, carxiage house and 1 stables, and other out bui'iJings. The lot is alxiut J*an acre. A few steps from the Tcam- [ tar*. Tor further particulars apply to ! KBS-,THERESA CAKTWRIGHT. g/gF-QHHm:—Way Block, King st,,or to W. R. Castle, At bis office, Cartwrlght Block, upstairs. Htf] MoriTAr. Tblthphone 625, 135 Fobt Street y. htm sure, FRUITS •GROCERIES Fresh Fniits by Every California Steamer.Fresh Island. Batter from Hawaii. COFFEE EOASTEKS, 25-tf *st Kit±4 $*, 112 - • , P, o. Bo? s^. C. HOOK CHAW, Watchi)iahc}\ Sihrv r£* Gold*ith Gold and 6il?er "Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds and Eye Glasses. Ftai ■ (i* ' • , i a t di't*. • < i " Hfwrt. /> , E'r 27-1 r.i WING HINO, MERCHANT-:- TAILOR 65 Nuuaiin St., nea* love'a Bakery. Fine Tailoring and Repairing. 27-Sms A L»r;c Assortment of Di&jojial*, Tweeds, Cassimerei, Broad Cloths, Braids, Buttons, Assorted Trtrumiug*. Ito. 107 Ntnianti St., Opp. Queen Emma Rail, afr-lm Honolulu. HONOLULU STEAM SOAP WORKS Tare Laundry Soaj> pat «yin boies of 100 poattdft of 40, 86*n<363 Mrseaflb. for aal« bj aU retailers. Iff W. JMcCfce#n*jT&: Sous, Attests. BOOK-BINl)ISG IK AitL IT* BRANCfJKS. Lanaziiitß, Joaraaiu au<l Ledger:-. Blank Books, LMter Coding Books, D»f Book*, C*ab Books, Aaeooai lA*>ks, Time JUocks. tovfioolca, Bcrsp-books, Foftfottoft, Albums, Kip lioonling, Mosie £k>"k», Letter U3£ is Ctold, etc., etc. Binding hi yiorcn co, S)tk CalT 8om» Persian, *U. &APBK ttnsu. gF-Ai • fim-ili, V w *iu;> owu aat**<t, Hawaiian <;AZFTTI: jv>\-