The Liberal, Volume I, Number 43, 8 February 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
"Oh! Dolly! Isn't it sweet!" LUNDBORG'S FAMOUS PERFUMES. EDENIA, GOYA LILY, MARECHAL NIEL ROSE, ALPINE VIOLET. LUNDBORG'S RHENISH COLOGNE. DELICATE. REFINED. FRAGRANT. We have imported especially for the HOLIDAY TRADE -:- A FINE ASSORTMENT OF PERFUMES! Consisting in part of the Well known Brands of Lundborg, Lubin, Colgate, Eastman, Gosnell, ETC., ETC., ETC., All of which we offer at Wholesale or Retail at McKINLEY PRICES. HOLLISTER & CO., 109 Fort Street. DRUGGISTS. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Where did you say? ALL Latest Novelties in Neckwear, Silk GOODS Overshirts, Pajamas, Suspenders, Hankerchiefs and Panama Hats. AT HARD Bath Robes, Dress Shirts, SmokPAN ing Jackets, Umbrellas, Leather Dressing Cases. PRICES Goldberg's! ; ; ; ; ; ; ; FREE SILVER! May Goods to the Amount of $2.50 and Receive WHERE a Pine Silver Present G.J. Fishel. IMPROVE THE OPPORTUNITY.