The Liberal, Volume I, Number 43, 8 Pepeluali 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and executed by such merchants or travelers. Immediately upon the arrival of any vessel having on board such merchant or traveler, and said safety or sureties shall obtain from the Foreign Office a permit for landing the said merchant or traveler and shall immediately upon his landing take him to the Chinese Bureau to execute the said bonds. The said surety or sureties shall upon the departure of said merchant or traveler, file within seven days a declaration under oath, and certified to by the Collec-tor-General, that such merchant or traveler has left the Hawaiian Islands. On receipt of this evidence, the bond will be cancelled. All permits to embark for the Hawaiian Islands grants to merchants and travelers whose sureties have filed bonds on their behalf shall be null and void unless the merchants or travelers shall land in the Hawaiian Islands before the expiration of six months from the date of the issuance of the permits by the Bureau. SECTION 10. All bonds must have impressed upon them the Treasury stamp of $1.00 before being fled. SECTION 11. A charge of 5 cents, or 50 cents a dozen, will be made for all printed forms from the Foreign Office. SECTION 12. All permits issued by the Foreign Office must be vised before the Counsul-General at Hongkong, or by the Hawaiian Consul or Vice-Consul at whatever port the grantee may land at or depart from, he paying the customary charges for such vise, SECTION 13. The following fees will be charged: FOREIGN OFFICE / HONGKONG CONSULATE GENERAL. Return Permits $5.00 Vise .... $2.00 Laborer's Per ... Witnessing mits ..... 1.00 Signature ..... 1.00 Registration ...... .25 Clergymen, Teachers and Colporteurs . . . 5.00 Certificate, naturalized Chinese and Hawaiian born children ..... 1.00 Registration ..... 1.00 Merchants and Witnessing travelers ..... 5.00 Signature ....... 1.00 Stamp on bonds 1.00 Minors under 10 2.50 Affixing stamp on application if no other fee is provided .... .25 SANFORD B. DOLE Minister of Foreign Affairs. Approved in Executive Council the 7th day of February, 1893. J.A. KING, P.C. Jones, Minister of Finance, William O. Smith, Attorney General. Chineese Bureau, Department of Foreign Affairs, Honolulu, H.I., Feb. 7th, In accordance with Act 11 now in effect, Ms. S. M. DAMON, was, this day, unanimously chosen Vice-President of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands. JAMES B. CASTLE, Secretary of the EX, and Ad. Councils. Honolulu, Feb. 4th, 1893. Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands. ORDER NO. 3. Whereas, by Order No. 2 of this Government the right of the Writ of Habeas Corpus was suspended and martial law was proclaimed throughout the Islands of Oahu January 17th, 1893. It is now further ordered that the right of the Writ of Habeas Corpus is hereby restored and that martial law is hereby suspended on said Island of Oahu, from and after 12 o'clock noon of Sunday, the 5th day of February, 1893. Honolulu, Frb. 3rd, 1893. SANDFORD B. DOLE, President of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands. By the President: J.A. KING, 42-8 Minister of Interior. TENDERS. Are hereby invited for laying a floor at the Government Barracks. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Superintendent of Public Works. Bids must be addressed to C. Bolte., Chairman of Military Committee before 12 o'clock noon, MONDAY, February 6th, 1893. The Committee is not bound to accept the lowest or any bid. J.H. SOPER, 42-3 Col. Commanding NOTICE. Arion Hall in the rear of the Opera House, is hereby assigned for the use of the Supreme Court and the Circuit Court of the First Circuit. By order of the EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. An with the foregoing, A. F. JUDD, the business of the Supreme Court and the Circuit Court of the First Circuit will be on at Arion Hall, for the notice. A. F. JUDD, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.