The Liberal, Volume I, Number 43, 8 February 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BY AUTHORITY. Honolulu, January 30th, 1893. SIR:- In accordance with Section 16, of the Act to "Amend and Consolidate the Laws relating to the Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank," I have the honor to hand you a Statement of Transactions for the year ended December 31st, 1892, which I beg to submit to your Excellency's approval. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant, WALTER HILL, Postmaster-General. To His Excellency P.C. Jones, Minister of Finance.
HAWAIIAN POSTAL SAVINGS BANK. Statement of Transactions for the Year Ending December 31st, 1892. DEPOSITS WITHDRAWALS Interest HONOLULU. WAR'NTS COUNTRY OFFICERS. Or On Closed Accts. NO. OF NO. OF NO. OF NO. OF AMOUNT. TRANSAC- AMOUNT. TRANSAC- AMOUNT. TRANSAC- AMOUNT Am't Cr. TIONS TIONS TIONS TIONS January - - - 492 $363 114 $12,124 40 484 ^66,452 75 97 $6,150 18 $ - - - - 90 19 164 February - - - 482 114 11,625 75
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