The Liberal, Volume I, Number 43, 8 Pepeluali 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

C. BREWER & CO. (LIMTED) QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU. AGENT FOR Hawaiian Agriculture Co., moa Sugar Co., Honolulu Sugar Co., Wailuku Sugar Co., Waihee Sugar Co., Makee Sugar Co., Naleakala Ranch Co., Kapapala Ranch. Planters Line San Francisco Packets C. Brewer & Co.'s Life of Boston Packets Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters LIST OF OFFICERS. Hon. J.O. Carter - - President and Manager George H. Robertson, - - - Treasurer E.F. Bishop - - - Secretary . Col. W.P. Allen. - - - - Auditor. Hon. C.E. Bishop H. Waterhouse Esq. } Directors S.C. Allen, Esq. C.E. WILLIAMS, FURNITURE and UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE. Manufacturer of articles of Household and Hotel Furniture. Fort Street, Honolulu. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE By order of Mr. J.D. Holt offer for sale 15 PIECES OF LAND near Liliha below Judd st. The lots vary from to 75 to 101 feet and home of the finest lots offered for sale. The lots each front on streets running through the property and have an outlet on both Liliha nd bishop street. These lots all command a fine of the and Harbor and combine with a city EASY TERMS. For further James F. Morgan. Auctioner.