The Liberal, Volume I, Number 41, 1 February 1893 — PROTECTORATE. [ARTICLE]

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At nine o'clock this morning, and since the editorial matter of THE LIBERAL was in type, the United States flag was hoisted upon the Capitol by Captain Wiltse of the U. S.S. Boston and a United States Protectorate was proclaimed over the Hawaiian Islands in the name of the American Government, pending negotiations now going on at Washington. The troops saluted the American flag first and immediately thereafter faced about and saluted the Hawaiian flag. The following is the text of the proclamation: TO THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE. At the request of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands, I hereby, in the name of the United States of America, assume protection of the Hawaiian Islands for the protection of life and property, and occupation of public buildings and Hawaiian soil, so far as may be necessary for the purpose specified, but not interfering with the administration of public affairs by the Provisional Governmetn. This action is taken pending, and subject to, negotiations at Washington. JOHN L. STEVENS.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States. United States Legation, February 1, 1893. Approved and executed by G.C. WILTSE, Captain U.S.N. Commanding the United States Ship "Boston."