The Liberal, Volume I, Number 41, 1 Pepeluali 1893 — [Illegible] AUTHORITY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


NOTICE All persons having business to the Government Building may do so between the hours of 3 A.M. and 4 P.M. daily by passes on application to the officer of the day, JAMES B. CASTLE, Secretary of Ex. and Ad. Conneils 39-3t Mr. C.L. Carter was elected a member of the Advisory Council in the place of F.J. Wilhelm, resigned: and Mess, C. M. Cooke, W. F. Allen, H.E. Cooper and Alexander Young were elected in the places of Masrs. W.C. Wilder, W.R. Castle, L.A. Thurston and c.l. Carter, resigned. The Provisional Government now constituted as follows: EXECUTIVE COUNSIL S.B. Dole, President of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands, and Minister of Foregin Affairs. J.A. King, Minister of the Interior. P.C. Jones, Minister of Finance. W.O. Smith, Attorney-General. ADVISORY COUNCIL. Cecil Brown, John Emmeluth, Andrew Brown, E.D. Tenney, F.W. McChesney, C. Bolte, James F. Morgan. W.F. Allen, Charles M. Cooke, Henry Waterhouse, S.M. Damon, A. Young, J.A. McCandless, H.E. Cooper. 39-2t NOTICE. Arion Hall in the rear of the Opera House, is hereby assigned for the use of the Supreme Court and the Circuit Court of the First Circuit. By order of the EXECUTIVE COUNCIL.

In accordance with the foregoing announcement, life business of the Supreme cOURT and the Circuit Court of the First Circuit will be carried on at Arion Hall, until further notice. A.F. JUDD, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Honolulu, Jan. 22, 1893. 39-3t The following gentlemen have been this day approved a Board of Dental Examiners for the Hawaiian Kingdom under the Act approved on the 10th day of Dec. A.D. 1892: DR. J.M. WHITNEY, For the 3 year term. GEORGE P. ANDREWS, M.D., For the 2 year term. DR. R.W. ANDERSON, For the 1 year term. G.N. WILCOX, Minister of the Interior. Interior Office, Jan 5th, 1893.36-3t

O. ALAPA, Esq., has this day been appointed a member of the Road Board for the Taxation District of Koolauloa, Oahu, for the unexpired term made vacant by the resignation of S. Kahele. G.N. WILCOX, Minister of the Interior. Interior Office, December 14, 1892. 39-8t WILLIAM E. ROWELL, has this day been appointed Superintendent of Public works, vice Henry W. McIntosh deceased. G.N. WILCOX, Minister of the Interior. Interior Office, December 1, 1892. 26-3t.