The Liberal, Volume I, Number 41, 1 February 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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C.E. WILLIAMS, FURNITURE and UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE. Manufacturer of all articles of Household and Hotel Furniture. Fort Street, Honolulu. OAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO.'S TIME TABLE. FROM AND AFTER NO 7. 1st, 1892. TRAINS A.M P.M A.M P.M Leave Honolulu 8:15 8:15 1:13 4:35 Arrive Honolulu 7:20 9:37 2:57 5:35 Leave Honolulu 7:30 10:43 3:43 5:42 Arrive Honolulu 8:35 11:33 4:55 6:50 PEARL CITY LOCAL Leave Honolulu 3:20 Arrive Pearl City 3:38 Leave Pearl City 8:00 Arrive Honolulu 6:10 Saturdays only. Sundays excepted. Saturdays excepted. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE By order of Mr. J.D. Holt. I now offer for sale 15 PIECES OF LAND near Liliha St., below Judd St. The lots vary in size from 68x75 feet to 101 feet, and are some of the finest lots offered for sale. The lots each front on streets running through the property, and have an outlet on both Liliha and Bishop Streets. These lots all command a fine view of the city and Harbor, and combine a cool healthy climate with a city residence. EASY TERMS. For further particulars apply to James F. Morgan, Auctioneer,

THE MANUFACTURERS -:- SHOES No, 102 COMPANY. Fort St. Ladies, Gentlemen's and Children's FINE FOOT - WEAR The largest Stock in the Kingdom. C. BREWER & CO. (LIMITED.) QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU. AGENT FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Omea Sugar Co., Honolulu Sugar Co., Wailuku Sugar Co.,Waihee Sugar Co., Makee Sugar Co., Haleakala Ranch Co., Kapapala Ranch. Planters Lihue San Francisco Packets C. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston Packets, Agents Philedelphia Board of Underwriters Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. LIST OF OFFICERS: Hon. J.O. Carter - President and Manager. George H. Robertson, - - - Treasurer. F.F. Bishop - - - - - Secretary. Col. W.F. Allen, - - - Auditor. Hon. C. R. Bishop, H. Waterhouse, Esq. } Directors S.C. Allen, Esq., BOOK-BINDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. - Magazines, Journals and Ledgers. Blank Books, Letter Copying Books, Day Books, Cash Books Account Books. Timo Books, Law Books Scrap-books Portfolios, Albums Map Mounting, Music Books, Lettering in Gold, etc. etc. Binding in Morocco, Sheep, Calf. Roan, Persian, Etc. PAPER RUING. Short Notice - Guaranteed HAWAIIAN GAZETTE. CO., Book-Binders and Blank Book Manufacturers Honolulu H.I