The Liberal, Volume I, Number 40, 28 Ianuali 1893 — BRIEFLETS. [ARTICLE]
The appointment of Mr. M. N. Sanders as Port Surveyor is announced. Mr. Sanders is a man of stirling quality, and is otherwise well fitted for the place. We wish the P.G., had found, (and we think they might have found) an Hawaiian able, fit and willing to fill that office. But Mr. Sanders will give an efficient administration. No objection to him. We learn from this morning's P. C.A., that the late Queen has been attending a luau, at which dead pigs and live kahunas were prominently present. We would advise her late Majesty to reserve these conditions, at the next feast she shall grace with her presence, and allow the pigs to live, while roasting the kahunas. The government is being quite freely criticised in these days. This is well, - but we observe that some of those who are most critical were among the armed forces of the late government, and like Davey Crockett's coon, "came down" without a shot being fired. Seems to us they would have displayed more valor by shooting off their guns two weeks ago, than they have since displayed by "shooting off" their mouths. The appointment of Mr. Arthur M. Brown as Deputy AttorneyGeneral is one of those things which "no fellah can understand, b'Jcve." The new appointee is "good stuff," of things, and all that, but we fear his chief will regret the selection of a subordinate so little experienced in the duties to which he has thus been called. Copies of THE LIBERAL can always be obtained at the store of the Hawaiian News Co. - IT IS SUSPECTED that the hackmen are "down upon" the P.G., for they swear they've earned nothing since the old government was bounced. THIS IS UNGRATEFUL in the backmen, who should remember the appeals made in their behalf by Mr. Thurston whenever the latter was booming an appropriation for the Cycloroma (as an incident of the Band's proposed visit to Chicago) the Volcano Road, the line of steamers to Hilo, or any other enterprise in which he chanced, (by accident of course,) to hold stock. On all such occasions he gave the House plainly to understand that he was speaking primarily in the interest of the hackmen. Let the Jehus remember, and turn on their gratitude mains.