The Liberal, Volume I, Number 40, 28 January 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PALACE Ice Cream Parlors A Choice Assortment of Cakes, Mince Pies and Candy on Hand AND MADE TO ORDER. ice Cream from PURE CREAM from Woodiawn Dairy. 25-3ms. WM.G. IRWIN & CO. (LIMITED) Wm. G. Irwin . . . . President and Manager Claus Spreckels . . . . . Vice-President W.M. Giffard, . . . . . Secretary and Treasurer Theo. C. Porter . . . . . Auditor SUGAR -:- FACTORS and Commission Agents. - AGENTS OF THE OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMP'Y OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. - HUSTACE & CO., Dealers in Wood AND COAL. Also, White and Black Sand which we will sell at the very lowest market rate for CASH. Bell Telephone No. 414. Mutual Telephone No. 19. - HONOLULU STEAM SOAP WORKS Pure Laundry Soap put up in boxes of 100 pounds of 4, 56 and 63 bars each, for sale by all retailers. M.W. McChesney & Sons, Agents. Attractive Goods Are Always Taking And Taken. - A visit to my store will REPAY you. It will give you an IDEA of THIS YEARS STYLES, not styles of 1880. It will suggest to you ideas; also many article suitable for presents, costing from HALF - A - DOLLAR to anywhere in the "FOUR HUNDRED." H.F. Wichman 26-1m JAPANESE GOODS! A Large Invoien just opened AT 53 HOTEL STREET. VERY NICE XMAS PRESENTS SELLING CHEAP! 53 Hotel Street. 25-1m