The Liberal, Volume I, Number 40, 28 Ianuali 1893 — NOT GUILTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


It has been openly charged in some quarters, and darkly limited to others, that Mr. John T. Colburn, the recent Minister of the Interior, was, equally with his late colleagues, guilty of advising the late Queen (or at least of concurring in her design) to promulgate the new constitution lately attempted by her. Mr. Colburn directly and empathatically denies that he was in any sense a party to that ill-advised scheme, or that he knew of, our suspected such intention on the part of her late Majesty prior to about 10 o'clock on the morning of Saturday, January 14th. It is further known of all men that, about the hour mentioned, Mr. Colburn called in council the leading residents of the city to assist in forestalling that revolutionary enterprise, and thence forward stood in the van of those who were directing their efforts to that end. Let the blame for that place of folly and worse fall where it is deserved Mr. Colburn's hands are clean in the matter, and we should be respected and honored accordingly.