The Liberal, Volume I, Number 39, 25 January 1893 — BRIEFLETS. [ARTICLE]
Since our EDITORIAL matter was in type the P.G. has announced the appointment of Mr. W.G. Ashley as Marshal. "George" is a "good fellow" and full of vim and energy, and will do the best he knows how in his new position. THE CREATION of a title and billet for J.H. Super is also announced. He is to be "Commander of the Forces, with the rank of Colonel." This would indicate that the gentlemen of the P.G. have become demented from the mental strain of the times. A more veritable "chump" than Soper does not live in these Islands, and every man in the Executive Council should be well aware of that fact. IN OUR WOUTH we had a little military training and the opportunity for considerable military observation. We always supposed, in our ignorance, that before a man was qualified for the lofty position of "Commander of the Forces, with the rank of Colonel," he should be able to distinguish between "hay foot" and "straw foot." We have very recently learned better. IF THE GOVERNMENT shall live sixty days, with Soper in the saddle, it will surprise even its friends. Any government that can carry Soper that length of time, without collapsing, deserves to take rank among the "Strong Governments" of the earth. THEY SAY that "all signs fail in a drought." Likewise, we suppose, all signs are fallible in a time of "Provisional" government. We devoutly hope the present signs will not be fulfilled, as they seen to point unerringly to a second, and early instance of governmental suicide. Come, gentlemen of the P. G., brace up. There is neither honor nor profit in suicide. IT IS ALL EXPLAINED by the last appointment. With a "Commander of the Forces," such as the P.G., has blessed us withal, it is manifest that foreign forces will be necessary, if any forces are. Therefore, the "Boston" men are still ashore.