The Liberal, Volume I, Number 39, 25 Ianuali 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Palace Ice Cream Parlors A choice Cakes, Mi Pies and Candy on Hand AND MADE TO ORDER Ice Cream from P Cream from Wood- lawn Dairy 25-5 WM.G. IRWIN & CO. LIMITED Erin G. Irwin .... President and Manager Class Spreckels ........ Vice-President W.M. Giffard, . . . . . Secretary and Treasurer Theo C. Porter . . . . . . . Auditor SUGAR FACTORS AND COMMISSION AGENTS. AGENTS OF THE OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMP'Y OF SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 28-ft HUSTACE & CO., Dealers in WOOD AND COAL Also, White and Black Sand which we will sell at the very lowest market rate for CASH. Bell Telephone No. 414. Mutual Telephone No. 19. HONOLULU STEAM SOAP WORKS Pure Laundry Soap put up in boxes of 100 pounds of 40, 56, and 63 bars each, for sale by all retailers. M.W. McChesney & Sons, Agents. Attractive Goods Are Always Taking And Taken. A visit to my store will REPAY you. It will give you an IDEA of THIS YEARS STYLES, not styles of 1880. It will suggest to you ideas; also many articles suitable for presents, costing from HALF-A-DOLLAR to anywhere in the "FOUR HUNDRED" H.F. Whichman 26-1m JAPANESE GOODS! A large invoice just opened AT 53 HOTEL STREET. VERY NICE XMAS PRESENTS SELLING CHEAP! 53 Hotel Street. 26-1m