The Liberal, Volume I, Number 38, 14 January 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WENNER & CO. Fort Street. Fine A Holiday New Goods and Just Elegant Received Assortment Laporters, of Diamonds watches Fine Jewelry, Etc. Only a Pointer The Electric Fly Trap will catch 'em the stable Boy or the Cook cannot break Peeks All Steel Ax Heads; you can oil a Steam Plow with a Long Nosed Oiler, and if you use Globe Piston Packing your cylinders won't leak any more. New Designs Fresh Stock. in of Silverware. Screw Plates. Use a Chicago Double Spring Hinge on the door, and take comfort. Standard Maps of Hawaiian Ports, and a thousand standard appliances in all lines of Hardware. -- E.O. HALL and SON, Cor. Fort and King Sts. 26-1m Oceanic Steamship Co. Time table local line S.S Australia Arrive Honolulu from S.F... January 25 Leave Honolulu for S.F ........January 4 " " " " ...... February 1 Through Line From San Francisco to Sydney. S. S. ALAMEDA Arrive Honolulu .......... jANUARY 13 From Sydney for San Francisco S. S. MARIPOSA Leave Honolulu . . .. . . . January 12 The undersigned are now prepared Through Tickets to all points in the For further particulars regarding Freight or Passage apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Ltd. 28-11 General Agents. JAPANESE GOODS! A large opened AT 53 HOTEL STREET. VERY NICE XMAS PRESENTS SELLING CHEAP