The Liberal, Volume I, Number 38, 14 January 1893 — Notice to Owners of Brands. [ARTICLE]

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Notice to Owners of Brands.

All brands must by law, be re-registered prior to July 1st. 1893, or they will be for feited, and can thereafter be appropriated by any one. Registration on Oahu shall be made at the Interior Office. On the other Islands it shall be done at the Office of the several Sheriffs. G. N. WILCOX, Minister of the Interior Interior Office, December 2, 1892. 26-1t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Honolulu, November 23, 1892. Mr. Samuel McKeague has this day been appointed as Kerosele Oil Inspector for the District of Kona, Island of Oahu, vice Geo. W. Smith, resigned. P. O. JONES Minister of Finance Department of Finance, Honolulu, November 25th, 1892 Mr. F. S. Pratt having been commissioned as Hawaiian Consul-General to San Francisco, the vacancy in the office as Registrar of Public Accounts has been filled by the appointment of George F. Smithies whose commission dates from to-day. P. C. JONES, Minister of Finance. 24 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, Honolulu, December 12th 1892 The following will be the Pilota for the Port of Honolulu P. P. Shepard re-appointed. A. McIntyre J. C. Lorenzen Commissions to date from November 4th 1892 Pilot's Office at Boat Landing, Brewer's Wharf. P.O. JONES. 29-3t Minister of Finance. Tenders for the Purchase of Hawaiian Government Treasury Notes. Finance Department Honolulu, December 10th 1892 Under authority of the Act approved August 30, 1892, the Minister of Finance offers at Treasury Notes of the Hawaiian Government for $50,000 in denominations of not less than $500 or more than $5,000. payable not less than three months, nor more than eighteen months from the date of this act. These Notes will bear interest not exceeding six percent per , payable semi-annually in U.S. Gold Coin, and are exempt from tax. Tenders for the above will be at the Treasury up to the 20th day of December, 1892, which lenders shall state the amount desired and the interest which will be approved by the person applying for same. P. C. JONES. Sale of the Government Land Known as , in, Holualoa P. N. Kona, Hawaii. On Tuesday January 10, 1893 at 12 o'clock noon, at the front entrance of Alue lani Hale will be at Public Auction the Government Land known at Laula, in Holualoa North Kona, Hawaii, maintaining an area of as 2-10 acres a little more or less. Upset price - $100 O. N. WILCOX Minister of Interior