The Liberal, Volume I, Number 38, 14 Ianuali 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN {illegible} {illegible} {illegible} {illegible} {illegible} {illegible} Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, Oahu, H.I. APING COMPANY By Aping, Manager. at Honolulu, January 7th, 1893 37-21 TO ORDER FIT GUARENTEED Cer.. KING AND ALAKEA STS. Where was Moses when the Light went out? Looking for his old school-mate JOHNthe Shir Man to make him some Good to order, and make to fit. My shirts don't any more than job lots or common store THE FACTORY is at the corner King Alakea Streets. No hundred dollars clerks a month rent; only GOOD SHIRTS at rates. Shirts kept in repair two free of charge. A. L. JOHNSON, Shirt Here west Deutch Gesprochen. Ict on Francais. 36T0 LET 0R FOR SALE. RESIDENCE IN A VERY DESIRABLE PART of Liliha Street. The House contains 3 bedrooms, dressing room, smoking bath room, dining room and cook house om cottage adjoining, carriage house and , and other out buildings. The lot is an acre. A few steps from the TramFor further particulars apply to MRS. THERESA CARTWRIGHT. Office:- Way Block, King st., or to W.R. CASTLE, L. KONG FEE, MERCHANT TAILOR! Fort Street, next to Club Stables. Lately Cutter and Manager of Goo Kim & Co. Guarantees Good Fit and Reasonable Prices. MUTUAL TELEPHONE 6288, 135 FORT STREET Y. LUM SING, DEALER IN FRUITS GROCERIES Freash Fruits by Every California Steamer. Fresh Island Butter from Hawaii. COFFEE ROASTERS. 25-tf C. AKIMA, MERCHANT -:- TAILOR DEALER IN FINE CASSIMERES, DIAGONALS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, Etc. No. 46 Nuuanu Street. 26-3m JAPANESE BAZAR! Importer and Dealer in JAPANESE - HOLIDAY - GOODS AND GENERAL PRODUCE. J.M. de Sa e Silva Prep. Hotel Street. Honolulu, H. I. GOO YORK, Maunakea Street. RICE-PLANTATION-AGENT. AHUNG & CO. MERCHANT TAILORS AND REPAIRS. A large Assortment of Diagonals, Tweeds, Broad Cloths, Braids, Buttons, Assorted Trimmings. No. 107 Nuuanu St., Opp Queen Emma Hall, 25-1m Honolulu KONG HOP KEE. DEALER IN Fruits and Vegetables, Gold Fish, Poultry, Guava Jelly, Eggs, Etc. 28 Street, Honolulu H. I 20-1m YEE CHAN, DEALS IN FURNISHING GOODS FANCY GOODS, Chinese and Japanese Silk Hankerchiefs, Matting and -wood Trunks and Dry Goods 81-33 NUUANU STREET. mos WONG SAI. Dealer in General Merchandise AND SHIRTS. MERCHANT - TAILOR