The Liberal, Volume I, Number 38, 14 January 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Where did you say? All Lastest Novelties inSilk GOODS Suspendors. Handkerchiefs and Panama Hats. AT HARD PAN Bath Robes, Dress Shirts, Smoking Jackets, Umbrellas, Leather Dressing Cases. Goldberg's! 27-1m THOMAS LINDSAY, Watchmaker and manufacturing jeweler 73 Fort Street, Honolulu. A Of At For Fine Choice Low The Line Goods Prices Season 27-1m FREE SILVER! Buy Goods to the Amount of $2.50 and Receive a Fine Silver Present. WHERE? C.J. Fishel. Improve the opportunity 25-1m
Closing out sale of xmas goods such as: Toys, with and without Dolls, Albums, Satchels, Vases, Bronze Ware Cups, Thermometers, Watches Opera and Spy- (warranted first class) Mirrors, Frames. Brackets, Lunch Baskets, School Bags Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Fans (extra fine), Carpels and Rugs (all ), Etc., Etc., Etc. Each price CASH PRICE DISCOUNT Purchase Everybody H. W. SCHM(DT & SONS. 29-1m Palace Ice Cream Parlors A choice assortment of Cakes, Mince Pies and Candy on Hand and made to order. Ice cream from Puaa {illegible} from Wood {illegible}
WM.G. IRWIN & CO. (Limited.) Wm. G. Irwin . . . . President and Manager Claus Sprenkels . . . . . . . Vice-President W.M. Gifford . . . . Secretary and Treasurer Theo. C. Porter . . . . . Auditor SUGAR:FACTORS Commission Agents Agents of the Oceanic Steamship Comply of san francisco, cal 28-tf HUSTACE & CO., Dealers in Wood and Coal Alan White and Black Sand which we will sell at the very lowest market rate for CASH Telephone No. Mutual Telephone No. 19 Honolulu Steam Soap Works Pure Laundry Soap put up in boxes of 100 pounds of 40. 56 and 68 bars each, for by all retailers. M.W. McChesney & Sons. Agents