Ka Puuhonua o na Hawaii, Volume V, Number 52, 25 December 1918 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Ok:- 13. B. C. hau .frCQja o kt:u o*u h l , c il :<no rnr.'i like vie e pili gna ike kii>." cki' ka;,; kfi. I William C, Jciii Jr. j (Wile Aid Ogia) Loio ma &e E liiki no ke n , a mea a pau e p}l] ana I fr a < OCta** l.olfl ru<- ka makaukauj e' b«rn*4l& no «a Pal»pal;i Kml, >?o*pk|, 800 ilnaaliuon a auoe ae iu§ al efl a . oiala uftu Keenn Olb»nn Kumi ffafr (njj,. KaihU(?dJ u ni Hair, JR. ny*r> J. 6,

He Agena no na Kaa 'Locomobile. Coi.e Re a and Saxon Cars , Stanley Steaoer Reo. Coram t-roe rsnd Mo:i eland Trucks ~~a me— McParlan Car

ASSOCIATION uud IlUl-lOl) . •■reafUT, tin- monthly rejior vlngs a n d Loan Af<-4 outturn' Ltd. will be issurtHn ui© BfWPpnjier. h ,« PuuJioiiun o JJS Hawaii which, is .p.ub.iitsbiU Veeiij tfc.her n.ipurlni: t reports vC >f tfe # Assotinlu », including busittte twins, notices" en-., wiJjf be given fhru this paper Tins plan' is ffcr the purpose willing exp<r.sr on Uamps, eiivrb j os, paper atd typing or i_>rintii; K . K 0 typed reftotlm v. II be,sm«d, to the members i-eretofo^e. Therefore, evt ry im-nabtr od tie Asfcociatlon is hereby urgfd to subscribe for tL< "Ka Puuhd'uua o n » to keep yo\irself posted oil the condition a'nd activities of thr AsPOcii.ticiK' All t;hosc w h.. ore intexjestt d in the Poi Hni .■ v aiso Ufjgitl to &i l< scribe for tho |<*per sjijce epl it ports :uid important ifcea-s oi bttinoss connect- d vuth the - nut thru this ft r Stead of \>eir>4; s* rved to Jjft . Wn> bers in rittcft form a'ef^Tf ore Atir.iie 3, %917—r-Ai,