Ka Puuhonua o na Hawaii, Volume V, Number 48, 27 November 1918 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
'■no ti.iike c It; t pr kim< ».■ kc kanslw. WiHiam 0, : km Jr. (Wite Aki Opiq) ' , Loio MA RE E hiki no ke „ ft wen a jmi i.pin aim i fca Q&aro l.oto uqf kn makaukau: e hfl.rw»Jh. no rta I'alapaLi Kufci, MoaMil, Hoo Umalima a ano e ae m&£* aljEsu a ma kfi uftu feupono no r® Havi^gi. : Kt-en-i Oihana .R UU J ' | KuiTiktfolani Hafev Ja- | nyari JJB. «&JB-*g
He Age-na no na Kaa 'Locomobile ' Cole Heo and Saxon Caps J Stanley Stealer 1- Heo Commerce Locomobile]* and Moi eland, Trucks ' -"a me— McFarlan Car
. A SSOCI AT lON aiKl HUI-FQI) Hereafter, th, monthly rep or 112 the Hawaiian Savings and Loan Association Ltd. v« ill b« i ß g u dB the n< k j, Puubonma o -i,a IlßWf.il which it- published weekn. ttilier important rep6rts of tfce Association, ii.Hndlog bubicrte tseens, notices etc, will be given fhru this paper 'i his pl an i Btfbr the purpose reducing, oxpei.se on t tamps, onvclrjes, pa p er a|ld typing or printi:.". Ko typed re--ports.or notices-- * ill be Served to the members as f.eretoforeL Therefore, evi ry member of the Association it, hereby urged tt> subscribe for tin "Kb JPuuhoßna © na [jawaii" in ordter to keep self posted on the condition an, ti activities of the Association'. All those who are interested in tlxePoi Hoi m aisom;g*d to ei-h scribe for the j«per Since b|ll re l'ovts and ; : int iten sof bqeiness coimroti <1 with the fcu'i w&f] be givfii out ;! ru this paptr ifrSte.nl of s. rved to nffm hers in lyp*. r .,Ueft £orm as IfeTe ore Al-.-te 3. Ml 7-—