Ka Puuhonua o na Hawaii, Volume V, Number 46, 13 November 1918 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
o ks B F>, c. k> t.iM m. i•!i» 112 ( j kino ko k&nalw. ! 3-CfIO MA f,E ' .. % ' ( a Mki no ke Drfl I>u a phu , p ih aiia i "<*« "" ka n.nkoukao: e b.n»fc Ti3 ) Pa,ni>alHKu,,} ' >:ottih i.H o o MmaUmn a tlno e fle xue Jc« «a«qx a i " )a U uku no n* J3a^ Rui W fK* ' A«il?A«Aau laI ■ mwl l£.
He Agstoa n o na Kaa, liooomobile H©o and Cars Stanley Steemwr ■Beo Gommeroe Eocomobil® pnd Trucks MoFarian Gar
ASSOCIATION und HUI-POI), . Itoroafter ' tl.» monthly ' „ pt r Hue Ha warn,, b»vi ße s ...a L * , „ | AtiHociation Ltd. wl] be in the newspaper, I -~ o .HBwan winch i» t üblisbtdWkh tfeiher import» lit reptrts of t l*e ABSodat.cn, deluding hu6itt ' bk towns. noMMB etc, wij] be thru this pope? 'J his plan, is fr, r ,tho purpose reducing expei.se on U.iiips, envi-h j t;s", ."J typing or A'o-t>Vd re Qoticcfc u ,1] be s d the members J-eretoforei Therefore. e V(r y member of tie Association is hereby urged to aubficr.be lor tLc-Ka Jt>uubLi.* o I if Haw ; u i jn ' rd * f to kef P votirMf post,don the condition „*d tin- Association-. rl,^iLV l w e - Wli: ' " re int ««tcd ii. ~ . Hui r- also ucg< dto bi;l> foribe.-ttff tin- | a per since al] re ports and in, { .„rUnt Hen s oi bupi. ne ?i? conned d with the btfi ht' pi von out ll.riitbw p B|ur r t ._ Sffiad oWuMt-.;; u, vved to tlf, mia bur? in tj p.'u ritfeq.form ae <**« Axjt io 3, 39J7—.ff