Ka Puuhonua o na Hawaii, Volume V, Number 5, 1 Pepeluali 1918 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
o rar uari" hoike Ta rnsu ai no ka Banefearnpa ana o John Ti I'ahlsvy ii oka halawai nana e m«lanmia ana ma ko'u Keena, Rumi 3, Brewer Building, Honolulu, T, 11., ma ka la 2 o Feberuar\ A. 1), urn ka bora 9 o kc kakaliiaka, inn ia iimnawa e liooloheia jii na 01010 a ka nu-a aie no ka liooia ana, mai i, kana mau kuc, e hookohu aku i papa no lea liuli ana i naua Banekarupa no ka hookoia aku nialuna p kekahi rnau waiwai e ae maroua ac u ka noho ana oka hulawai i olol'siii. HOWARD L GRACE, Luna Banekarnpa. .Honolulu, lanuari 10, 1918—It.
(FOR HAWAIIAN SAVINGS ASSOCIATION and HUI-POI) Hereafter, the monthly report of the Hawaiian Savings and Loan Association Ltd., will bo issued i the newspaper, Ka tuHhonua o i.n Hawaii which is published weekly. Other important' reports of the Association,' including business iteips, notiots etc, will be 1 given thru this paper. This plants for the purpose reducing sparse on Stamps?,, envelopes, paper and typing.or printing.. No typed report or notices will be st ryed to the'membi rs as heretofore. Th< re fore, every member of the Association is "hereby urged to subscribe for the "Ka i'tiuhoiiua o na yawaii" in order to keep yourself posted on the condition and activities of the Association'. | Ali those who are interested in the I'oi Hu» are -.vlso to sub scribe for the paper fimee all re perls itnd important itenjs of busi. net-.- 5 connected with the hui will be given out thru this paptr in— stead of being served to the mem ber» in typewritten form as here fore. Augato 3 1917 tL