Ka Puuhonua o na Hawaii, Volume V, Number 4, 25 Ianuali 1918 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Oleic Hoolaha. Oiai, ua haalele mat i keh ola ana ko kakou hoab?n.<u Mrs. R< se Huii Bunkf r ma, k,« jpo oka hi. 31 « Dekerrsb' t ! 1917, nolaila, ke kiuoha ia <iku | nei na laia a pau oka Hui Kpjkua a Hookuonoono ona WaI lime Oiwi Hawaii c uku ae i kp rtakou auhau Manawalea ike | Kaknuolelo Ohi Da la Miss Helen Allen, a pgja hci me ka Hui iL'.la Helu 1 o Waianae. MAIKAI KALEO, jKakauolein H. iL H. W. Q. H. I Honolulu, lanuari 10, 1918. :4st—Jan 11, 18, 25. Feb 1.
William C. Achi Jr. (Wile Aki Opio) LOIO MA KE KANAWAI. li hiki no ke lawolawc ma n» i noea a pau e pjH ana j ka Oiharia l.oio m<t tea mafcaukau; e hanava 1 110 na Falapala Kuai, Moraki, 1100 i litnolima a ano e ae me.ka eleu a ma ka uku kupono no na Hawaii. 1 Keeua. OLhana Rutui Elold 301. I Hoaalirta, 2«- | 18. ii. mmmm. Telepona 4484. Han a Mak.i Mea Hana Gula a Hana Waki. A he hiki e hoopau ika pillkria 0 na maka. 1131 Alanui Nuuanu. -Honolulu T. H. Keuffer & Hall. Na Mea Hoowehiwehi ! Hua-palapala iHanaia na ! Papa-pai me 1 na Kila-hopkohu ' (FOR HAWAIIAN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION and HUI-POI) Hereafter, the monthly report of the Hawaiian Savings and Loan Association LUI., will he issued ill the newspaper, Ka PuulHn.ua o i a Hawaii ..which is published weekly. Other ipiportant reports of the Association, including business itotv.R. notici£ etc, will In- given thru this paper. This plan is for (.he purpose reducing txpense, on .stumps, envelopes, paper and .typing or printing. No typed reporls or notice's will he sirved to the members hs hereto!. ie. Tbt roforo. over v number of the Asseeintl.m is "hereby urged to subscribe ,f»r the "Ka l'unhonua o na yaw.iu" in order to keep yourself posted on the coud'tion and activities of the Association. All those who iiro interested in the I'oi Hui are also urgid to sub scribe for the paper since all re ports and important items of business comuctt d with Ihe luii will be gl\-pn nut thru this paper instcsid of being served to the mem bers in typewritten forni as here ffire. . Augate 3 IUIT ti