Ka Puuhonua o na Hawaii, Volume V, Number 1, 4 January 1918 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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E roalaaia ana*ka , Ekaltsia Makua o Kautnapili.i na balewai haipule ma na ahiahi a,pu ma ka Hora 7, koe ke ah'abi Poahf*. S. LAU. Telepopa 4484, Hana Maka. Mga Hana Gula a Hana Waki. A he hiki e hoopau ika pilikia o na. maka. 1131 Alanui Nuuanu. Honolulu T. H . Keuffer & Hall. Na Mea Hoowehiwehi H(ld-palapala Haaaia na Papa-pai me na Kila-hookohu

(FOR HAWAIIAN SAVINGS it LOAN , ASSOCIATION and HOl-POI) Hereafter, the monthly reporta. of the Hawaiian Savings and Loa n Association Ltd., will be issued i u the newspaper, Ka J'uuhonua o 11 Hawaii wlxich is published weekly Other important reports of. the Association, including business items, notices etc, will be given thru this paper. Tins plan is for the purpose reducing expej.so on stamps, envelopes, paper and typing or.printing. No typed report? or notices will 'be sirred' to the mejmbers as 'heretofore. Therefore, every member of the 'Association is "hereby .-urged to I subscribe for the "Ka I'uuhouua o na ya\\iUi" iu order to keep yourself posted on the condition and activities of the Association. All those who are interested in the Poi liui are a:so urg<d to sub scribe for the paper since all re perls and important items of business ionnti.ii d with the hui will lie giv.-ii out thru this pnptr insh of lving si rved to tin- mem Ix-rs m typewritten form as here fare. Aegti.ce. 3 i»lY——ti.