Ka Puuhonua o na Hawaii, Volume IV, Number 40, 5 October 1917 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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he Leo uwaq. . . - ---- ' - (Copy) i. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT., CIRCULATION. ETC., REQUIRE!) BY THE ACT OF AUGUST 24, 1912, of Ka PUUHONUA (Observer) published weekly at Honolulu, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, County ot Honolulu, for October, 1917. * Editor in Chief, Akaiko Akana, Honolulu, Oahu. Managing fid tor, James H. S Kaleo, Honolulu o Oahu, Business Mrtiager James S- 11. Kaleo, Honolulu, Oalm, Publisheu Ka Puuhonua Co. A Corporation under tlie laws of the Territory of Hawaii, with principal place of businese at Honolulu, Hawaii. Names of stock holding 1 per cent or more of the Capittal stock, and their post office addres respecwely are as follows: L K. Klilamanaole, JrCrLane, Akarka Akana, Wm. J. Sheldon, John H. Wise, Samuel C. Dwight and D. P- McGregor, J. H. S Kaleo and Jessie Uluitii. 1 Post Office address, Honolulu, Hawaii, j There is no bonder or secured under I bteness KA PUUHONUA CO. By JAMES H. S. Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed befoie me this atb day of October, 1916. S. K\ KA'MAIOPILI, Notary Public. July 1, 1917. July 1,1918. KALI ANEIA KAWAPII IA WA ANEI E KUAI AI? E loaa no na APANA AINA eroi k« hele mai e-'niaau ma ka Keena oka Hui Kapiolabi, Ala--1 nui Moi a orie Alakea. Na airva ma KALiai-KAI. HE $250.00 oka AFAN A. 126 00 OKU. MUA. I Koena fS.QO o. ka Mahiua, HBLB MAI. {Jesse P. Makainai PETER wlSfijNA a Web* aenef he keen* Olhasa a h« PtHihonua hof bo 11a Hawaii lllhune faooplillda wale laHe Loio,. Mea Mana, Agapa Hoaie Daia, Agena Kua ; aku a Kaafmai l.na Aina iloko 0 keia Paaaina Aloha o Hawaii ne|. O na haoa a pau mai na Mokupuui « a blkl no ke hookola— ' Keen a Hana—Hocking Building m ka Papahele Elna. Kihl 0 n Alanui Mot me Nuuann.

PFICfi: HONOLULU, OA,aU Advertising "Rates and Application, £tatexcd a» Mtond-claaa matter at the PoetofEce at Honolulu, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Pet Copy : : : : 5 Cents B»if Yew ; ; : : : <1.00 One Year 5*3.00 AUHAU JPEPA f(o ke Kope Hook&hi : : 5 Ken eta Sapa Makahiki : : : : $1.00 Sookahi Makahiki : : .• 18.00 Pcbusksd Kvsry Friday BV THB PROTECTIVE PttftlLlSHNU CO. LXMiTTBZ>t Publishers and Proprietors. Prwldent.. ~. J, K. Kalaniduaole Vioe-Preeidenti 09, C. Lag^, Secretary . Jeaee U^oiM Trtavwer.. D P. MoGt^r Auditor .... ,H«nry Kaeell Directors.... &katka CT M Aroaniv, B. C. Diwghfc. Wm. J Sheldon. < POIOKALifIt Hb at ma*m*e dm n« data uofeu He ai fcofcua 1 na He %\ hoe»i «ln Ike fewmiku&j o Bot « «e. W.CUOtI * fiWeAki]