Ka Puuhonua o na Hawaii, Volume IV, Number 4, 26 January 1917 — OUR STRUGGLE WITH KING ALCOHOL. [ARTICLE]
K[ot wiihoul b : tter strugg!e will Hawaii rid ] herse!f of the menaee of ale/hol. The free l democracy of our is!ands has not the power to j submit itse'.f vo!unt-ri!y to steel se!f-disciplinej whieh, over two yeirs ago, a rescript of the Czar j fo.rced autotcatic Russia tosubmit herself to total! abstinence. The cry V for preparedness has cailed to the colors thousands of our gallant warriors to defead, if need he, our land from the external attacks of enemies. But, _up to the present, moment, we have nct ]earned yet, the seveniy of tiie de3ih-biows of an interaal enemy whieh is ga'!wing at our very vitīis. Piles of <ind ofvituvble informations and oxpeneaces wh : ch have e "ms to oor attention iroiii tnc st-itesj irom the nat ons whieh are enjoyiog the bepei;ts 01 lprohibition t and from Hawaii nei, havt nēt opered cur eyes to the peri!s oi keeph;g company with King Aleohol. On the other hindi we have clos£d our eyes to the degradiū physiCd*, ioie!'e.ctual moral and spiritaa! t-onu3tiun oi ihe slaves oi King Aleohol in Hav;asi, a.nd.und?r ,po!ished pretenses, we have allewea th;/ stet;l ciaws of King Aleohol to eeepen thcir c'utch into their very flesh and sou!.
liit. corr-t when every thinking man aad yr4apiXoi 'pe ,a..vvakened ar;d rged into the ii.oni take an active h.and i helpiog the AntiSaSoon Leagiie cl Hawaii 10 brirg prohibition into the Territory.
membei s of the next I-egislature should see th&t the. battie for a salooniess Hawaii be waged with :he intensity oi the warring nations. Beating round the bush shou ! d be done away with. The heakh and vitality cf the people of Hawaii siiculd be niade a matter of the i'irst order, and shou!d receive the first consideration of every !egislator.
If all the aleohol poured into human stomachs would be be so utili2ed as.to provide our aeroplanes, autoinobiles and other gasmachines with aleohoiie motor-power, it would more than offset the losses in license-money whieh wouki naturally eome with and it would sive the draios of physical intellectualj moral, sccia[, spirituai and linaneial resources of our working Qkjt ability to raise t rtmes of men to defend us from shoūld t>e with an aVility to stem the t;de of a?cjho!ism whieh is equally as perias the mueh feared foi"e"go attaok.