Ka Puuhonua, Volume III, Number 28, 28 July 1916 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
. (Co^y) STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT, cikguxatioh ETC REQUIRED £7 THE ACT 01* ATCT7ST 2-4, 1914, of &a (Progressive) published weekly at Ho as lulu, Oahu, for April, 1916. EditOf Akaiko .Akanaj Hono!nI&„ Oahu, Managing Edtor, Akafho Aksna Honolulu 0 Oaha, Business Akaiko Akana, Honolulu, QahTij £uhtiehen Ka Holornna Co. A under the laws of the Territory of H a w&ii* with principal place of busii:e*e & Honolulu, Haw* u. JTamoS ct ?to 4 holding 1 pet cent or more of the Oipi tal stock, aud their post office adclnss respecwely ar« as follows: J. BL Kataninnnolc, J. C. I,aue, Akalk Alcana* Win. J, Sheldon* John H. W iar Samuel C. D wight audi). T- . Tost Office address JToiioluiu, Saw &i; There Is no bonde-i of secured 5e bt*a«ss KA HOLOMUA CO. By AKAIKO AKANA. Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed beftfeo £S*~. tins 6th day of April, JAMBS K. JARRHTTFX« SO jSoUiy Public, expires Jure 30. 19x6. Hui Hoolswa Kou Ua h&aiele mai i keia ola Henry C. Frown 1:1;; ka U I I'jlal Wnlnila, ni-u : k& onuses foso koknft rruir.-. 0 ' no ko ovAcn tu&ta tala ka Bui i haalele *i>a? I ksih cL* an*, ma ko'u Keeua Oib&na k* kihi o Alaiuii KuksA Kuaauu,