Ka Puuhonua, Volume III, Number 23, 23 June 1916 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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ila Piiuhuuua (£ū PFICE: HONOLULU, OAHU Advertising Rates and Application. EntCTed as sesond-class matter at the Postoffice at Honolulu. BUBSCRiPTION RATES Per Copy * : 5 Cents| Half Year : : : fI.CK); One Year : : : : : $2.001 AUHAU IPEPA ! No ke Kope Hookahi : : 5 Keneta! Hapa Makahiii : : : £1.00 Hookahi Makahiki : : • $2.00 : Akaiko Akana, Lunahooponopono. Editor Jas. H. S. Kaleo, Hope Lunahooponopono me Lunahoohana. DANIEL P. McGREGOR, PUUKU. PūBUSHISD EVB4Y FītIDAY EvEXING. BY ' THE PROT£CTIVE PUBLISHNG CO. X,IMiTTED. I Publishers and Proprietors. President.. .J. K. Kalanianaole Vlce-Preßidect Jno. C. LaDe Secretary Akaiko Akana Treasurer D. P. McGrcgor Auditor ...Jno. H. Wise Directors... .S. C Diwght, Wm. J. Sh.eidon. Ka Puuhonua, lune 23, 1916.