Ka Puuhonua, Volume III, Number 22, 16 June 1916 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
" (Copy) STATEMENT OWNERSHIB M ANAGEMjBNT, C Il< CUL A TI ON , STC.., BY THE A,C? OF AtJOUST 21, .1914, of Ka Hoxomua (Progressive) publislied «*eek]y at Hon o lulu, Oaliu, for Apnl, 1916. Hditor, Akaiko Akana, Honolulu Oahu. Managing Edtor, Akāiko Akana Honolulu o Oahu, Busmess Akaiko Akaua, Honolum, Oalui,- Pub> lisheu Ka Holomua C<>. A Corporation under the laws of the Territory of Ha waii, with principal plaee ot busitiefe a. Honolulu, Ha-waii. 'Namos ot stoC holding 1 per cent or more of the Capi tal stock,.and their post, olīiee addres * respecwely are as follo\vs: J. K. Kalanianaole, J. C- Lane, Akaik Akana, Wm. j. Sheldou, Johia H. Wise Samuel C, Dwight and D. F- HcGrego Post Office address, Honoluln, Hawaii There is 110 bonde-t or secured inder bteness KA HOLOMUA CO. By AKAIKO AKANA. BuslnessManager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th dav of April, 1916. " JAMES K. JARRETTE. I/. S.) Notatv Public. ommission expires June 36, 1-916.
—aa—iuii !■ ii iii iiiiaiiiim iii i ini im iiii . O ka pupepa helu -ekalii ma Ha> waii nei, a nokamea, " e kakoo ana oia i • ka mea pololei no kou pono pilipaa. 1 V:- ? - Ka Puuhonua - Ke noho lunahooponopono ia. nei e Mr,. Akalko Akana ame kona lunahana Mr. H. S, Kaleo. . ■ -. v ■ ■" -" :". ■